Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t make that much difference on OLEDs. The thing about OLED is that different diodes consume different amounts of energy. Blue diode requires the most energy, green diode requires about the same amount of energy as the red one, but there are more green diodes in pentile screen.
Thus the only energy saving option is a dark red background. And no one is using it. It will also look like shit in most cases.
Yeah but if the OLED screen has to display black (RGB 000), it turns off the diodes completely.
But as you said, most dark modes have a dark grey background which doesn’t do shit (jerboa has a black option btw)
The thing that’ll save more microwatts is if they removed about 3 dozen of the tracking scripts from the website but we all know no company website will ever do that
For oleds, it makes a difference and not an insignificant number of smartphones today use OLED screens.
However, if the microwatt-hour of battery saved by browsing a shitty website of a shitty company for a few minutes saves the planet is another story…
Whatever gets saved will be burned up by their megabytes of JS running in the background collecting single point of data they possibly can
Sssh. You shouldn’t tell such things in public 🤫
Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t make that much difference on OLEDs. The thing about OLED is that different diodes consume different amounts of energy. Blue diode requires the most energy, green diode requires about the same amount of energy as the red one, but there are more green diodes in pentile screen.
Thus the only energy saving option is a dark red background. And no one is using it. It will also look like shit in most cases.
Here’s a paper which shows that dark grey background basically consumes twice as much energy as dark red one
Yeah but if the OLED screen has to display black (RGB 000), it turns off the diodes completely. But as you said, most dark modes have a dark grey background which doesn’t do shit (jerboa has a black option btw)
The thing that’ll save more microwatts is if they removed about 3 dozen of the tracking scripts from the website but we all know no company website will ever do that