I don’t watch cable news and I don’t pay attention to Jeff Teidrich or whoever so I don’t know where this bullshit is coming from. At least one person responding is nominally anti-genocide, so I don’t think that’s the reason. Another came back with something about the funding bill for FEMA as if it’s a gotcha.
What’s their logic?
Moderate, not liberal nor conservative.
Whatever, lib
You don’t believe me?
Liberals, conservatives and moderates in the narrow sense that you are using those terms are just mildly different flavors of liberal ideology, in the original sense of the word.
What “narrow sense”? I literally just said “Moderate, not liberal nor conservative.”
In the narrow, U.S. centric sense that you think those are categorically different things when in reality conservatives and moderates are also liberals ideologically.
Hmm, that was not my intent at all. Is there a more appropriate or accurate word you can suggest for somebody that does not fit nicely into either of the two popular US political Ideologies and depending on the topic will either side with a party (which party depends on the topic) or think that nobody has presented a good idea?
Independent voter or non-partisan I guess.
Your terminology is fine in the narrow context of talking to other American libs about mainstream American politics but you’re commenting on a forum full of communists so to us you’re a lib and calling yourself a moderate is meaningless hair-splitting.
Good to know. Thanks for the info.
Lol. if you think there’s a functional (key word) difference between the two, beyond aesthetics, you’re a
. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. Take it up with the parliamentarian.
Did you just call Trump and the entire Republican party libs?
I mean, I would prefer to call them chuds, but yes colloquially they would fit as libs. Both parties can get their panties in a bunch over culture war theater all they want, but at the end of the day their ultimate goal is serving Capital and dismantling any aspect of government that isn’t protecting private property or funneling wealth to the top.
Interesting. I have not had the word “lib” explained in such a way. I am more familiar with “snowflake” being used in that context.
I believe that most people associate the word “lib” with a political ideology and by using it you are, even if unwittingly, saying that you think one party is better than the other and should be in power.
I agree and share in your disgust of the current government of the USA. Neither party seems interested in helping the American people unless it profits them directly.
You can thank Rush Limbaugh for that. He spent his entire career using Liberals as an epithet meant to give the illusion of distance between the socially liberal Democrats and the socially regressive Republicans, but both Parties fell under the umbrella of Classical Liberalism in their Economic policies. We don’t hold to such illusions here on hexbear. If you take a class based analysis you quickly see that the two “sides” are still moving in lockstep towards the goals mentioned earlier. Lib is especially insulting for us, as it’s our politics they’re wearing as a mask as they do evil shit. But no, you’d be hard-pressed to find a preference among us for which party should be performing genocide. Chud stands cannibalistic human under dweller, if you still have any misconceptions about how we feel about Trump and his ilk.
You may find the classic Yellow Parenti video interesting. Seems up your alley and I think you’d find it quite enlightening as to our views around here. Plus, Parenti is just a joy to listen to. Dude spoke at the Whitehouse.💁
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Interesting. Thanks for the info. I’ll take a look at that link.
Welcome. Enjoy.