my scifi vietnam war allegory went woke
“muh treats are woke!”
It was never a Vietnam allegory. There are no story beats that match any moment of the Vietnam War. Lucas just wanted to sound intellectual, like he didn’t just write pew pew space lasers.
Yes, the big fascist empire mass murdering both civilians and Viet Cong-like rebels is nothing like the big fascist American empire mass murdering both civilians and Viet Cong rebels in Vietnam. The guerilla tactics and spike traps on Endor used to defeat superior arms were nothing like the guerilla tactics and spike traps used in Vietnam to defeat superior arms. Nor was Lucas an avid, outspoken opponent of the Vietnam war and Reagan, nor do his colleagues back up that story with evidenced details, nor did Lucas spend multiple years working on Apocalypse Now.
Those were aaall just coinkydinks.
Don’t he have Vietnam war footage in the original cut of the film before the special effects were added?
Ww2 footage mostly but that’s cause ww2 had aerial dogfights and the kinda vibe they were going for with the space combat. Plane footage from Vietnam is just carpet bombings, not very useful for stand ins for attack on the death star, maybe for alderaan but otherwise it wouldn’t be that useful.
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right because a movie reflecting the surrounding zeitgeist is such a radical concept
I’m sure no Vietnamese farmer ever became radicalized under the boot of empire and became a guerilla resistance fighter. You’re a simpleton
The bit where a load of civilians take up arms to fight with a group of practiced guerrilla fighters that George Lucas compared to the Viet Cong to fight off an occupying genocidal force that massively outgins them through the use of improvised weapons, ambushes and booby traps on a jungle planet in a film released just a few years after the end of the Vietnam War seems pretty familiar
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“my treats are woke??? noo pls it was just about pew pew space lasers ahhh”
Oh my… Mods please, can we keep this one as a pet?
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Fun fact: Anakin Skywalker created the word transgender in the star wars universe
It’s so forced
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I think it’s kind of adorable, like a writer with good intentions but who’s kinda naive to discourse and still figuring things out lol
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Forced…femme, you say?
The very same fash nerds who got pissed off by an Asian actress being in TLJ will blow a gasket over this while completely ignoring the fact that the SW galaxy has literal bio-engineering and aliens, but no a trans person and an Asian person would NEVER exist in this universe.
I can’t wait to see the unhinged rage. I don’t care much about Star Wars these days but the angry tears flowing over this is going to be glorious.
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a different ethnicity of regular human being pissing them off while there’s scenes like the mos eisely cantina and that ‘death sticks’ club in the prequels that are basically “look how many different beings there are, don’t forget this is an intergalactic story with untold trillions of inhabited planets” was so bizarre. peanut-brained.
no world we should live in features star wars sorry
This is like that tweet that was like “Trans people belong in Ohio.” You’re not quite sure if it’s being accepting or denigrating trans people because it’s Ohio. It’s like “how dare you imply trans people belong in Star Wars???”
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My comment prediction:
After 20 years of clones with every color and pattern of armor, behold as the dorks suddenly realize en masse that brightly colored armor is impractical
Weren’t there digicam clone troopers in episode 3 on kashyyk
There could be a very interesting story about the horror of gaining self-identity while being a literal clone of someone else, one of millions, and grappling with that intense dysmorphia
But nah we get “what if the fascist foot soldier was trans” instead
More trans Stormtroopers!
Can’t wait to hear the inlaws whinge about this lmao
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👏they could slaughter bugs as well as any other👏
does that mean every clone is actually trans
I’m sure they’ll use this as an opportunity to have a sophisticated discussion about how identity isn’t genetic, but rather emerges from complex socio-cultural relations
I would normally just respond with the anakin reaction. But no, I just want this to be the world we live in, and demand it to be so today.
Strong money there’s a clone codenamed “Chaser” who’s always looking for excuses to go on sortie with Sister.
I’m fine with trans star wars character of course and I’ve only seen the movies and andor so thers likely stuff I’m missing but it does strike me as odd if you’re gonna have a trans star wars character you would pick a clone trooper. It seems if your clones you are making specifically to die in a war and later kill the jedi with a Manchurian candidate kinda programming the level of individual expression required to be trans. Like if I were Palpatine I’d be like ‘good for her, but this does make me more nervous about my order 66 plan.’. Whatever, starting ears is dumb as hell and the people who care about it suck so I’m glad a decision was made that upsets them.
Darth Vader being emotionally supportive to his troops before they ethnically cleanse Geonosis. “Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for… Sister. So, you have a twin sister.”
wow, i bet the chuds are really freaking out about this thing that is completely moronic