I’m actually in here:
Currently bumping Paul Wall and being insane to liberals rn. Wyd?
Oh hey! I’m the chick off camera, just to the left!
Wait have u not gotten your XiBucks yet?
Somehow it’s easier to believe that we aren’t real people that don’t believe Western lies.
Like there are examples of this before social media lmao.
Meanwhile, redditoids are employing bots en masse. So as usual, it is projection
[compiling answer…] of course not, comrade! [waiting input]
The following sentence is false. The prior statement is true
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Of course I’m not shilling for the Cheddar Cheese Pringles! I’m too busy shilling for the 中国共产堂
[compiling 231 of 821 source files…]
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Highly advanced bots. A Chinese business delegation managed to steal multiple furbies from a Walmart, and they used the circuitry to create us. That’s why we’re able to talk to one another when you sit us next to each other and leave us alone. It’s also why our conversations are completely unintelligible to liberals.
For example, check out this video of furbies talking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRFoMAfq7Xc
A liberal literally can’t tell the difference between that and The Deprogram podcast.
Me and my 5,000 Wisconcom Alts wrecking havoc on western servers by simply stating basic facts.
i am. i tell them i get paid per reply they give me when they reply lol
It’s amazing to me that Republicans show up on social media anymore. What with their dear cult leader being a convicted rapist.
there’s no noteworthy difference between the two parties in Amerika – they’re both guilty of foreign and domestic mass murder, and liberals of any kind should be deeply ashamed
lol, 90% of convictions in the last 50 years are Republicans. Facts don’t care about your opinion.
Facts are that the democrats are the ones who start most wars https://archive.ph/omw1F
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Your argument does not disprove the original claim though? Like it’s completely out of topic. Facts don’t care about your opinion 😘
You lack the mental capacity of a nuanced opinion. “They’re both the same” is a Republican talking point and the laziest form of argument. Do you worship the rapist?
how’s it feel being on a tankie platform where your hate speech got deleted before I even got to see it in my notifications? This isn’t Reddit, you can’t say anything you want here and hope it flies under the radar.
You’re caught up in some kind of phony WWE style electoral goodies v baddies cartoon. There’s no important difference between these American parties.
Not just a rapist, a child rapist.
Please link the conviction for child rapist. Otherwise it’s an allegation.
Convictions are the only thing that matters of course!
That’s why everyone considers OJ to be innocent!
It’s not like a shit ton of money will save you from any consequences!
Good. Fuck em. You either understand and want to correct the fundamental immorality of capitalism via a revolutionary government run by the workers in the interest of the workers or you are my enemy. People that want to do backflips to justify US imperialim because it benefits them and/or they’re fucking lazy to read a book and would rather be asshurt when someone tells the truth on the internet can either correct their actions while time remains, or, you know. Action in favor of imperialism (and inaction is pro-imperialism especially within first world countries) will have consequences.