Lemmings; Feel free to prove me wrong, but you will not. There are no pro gamers on Lemmy, as I demonstrated here.
If you need any assistance setting up Retroachievements on your machine, please see here.
inb4 “I beat Castlevania earlier”; No you did not. inb4 “Stop yelling at us for being bad at games”; No only god forgives, not Dracula
I appreciate spreading the word about RetroAchievements, but I think you’ll win more flies with honey than with vinegar
seeing a lot of excuses for why Dracula is running around and not much whipping, sad
Jesus grow up
Laughs in blocking a user with such a troubled comment history.
You don’t have any Retroachievements because you’re bad at video games.
I don’t have any because RetroArch sucks and also I’m bad at video games.
I beat this game when it came out 🤣
prove it
We didn’t have no Innernette back in my day, young virgin. Nobody here is lame enough to care for your false overconfidence.
From what I remember, this wasn’t even a very good game. ‘SOtN’ and the DS games were much more memorable and fun.
This is one of those situations where you need to “get gud”, champ.
Can confirm. Couldn’t do it in the 90s. Can’t do it now.
Deathless run Silver Surfer and we’ll talk.
grats on that surfer run, wild
have you ever run C3 or nah
Never timed, I don’t have it in me. I love the Castlevania series though. Was just trying to derust CV1 the other night. I used to do race streams with the same guy that edited that video. Always lost, but I could at least do all the damage skips. My timing’s way off now. More of a fan of the Aria games. AoS randos are like my go to boredom game.
My only timed run is Blaster Master. I used to do stuff like Super Metroid old route, Bionic Commando, Kabuki Quantum Fighter, Strider, etc for fun, but never actually submitted.
https://retroachievements.org/achievement/12613 👀
Clearly no Lemmings how predictable