Well legal definitions are different in different places, but I would imagine it’s usually something like indecent exposure or maybe sexual harassment. Not sexual assault.
Pressed ham? Nah.
The billy goat? Probably.
“You call that a pressed ham?!?”
My first instinct is yes, it is essentially flashing. On the other hand, I feel I would be way less likely to assign a sexual motive to mooning unless it was combined with some other sexual gesture or something.
Seems like it depends on who does it to whom. A 19 year old girl? She’s a whore. A 12 year old boy? He‘s a prick. A 12 year old girl? She’s been with the boys for too long. A regular dude/woman mid 30‘s?/40‘s? He’s/She‘s either mentally unstable or drunk. I do it to my girl? She’ll probably ask if she can finally put that thing from her bedside table inside me. An old man? He‘s a creep. A comedian on stage? It’s part of his show and he’s funny!!
Your girl causally mentions she wants to peg you?
I believe they call this a “joke” but idk I’m not a mathematician
Yours doesn’t?
He so casually presents them cheeks, she can say what she wants just as casually 😂
If she’s in, I’m in too.
Don’t ruin OP’s strategic wishful thinking
Assault involves touching someone.
In most jurisdictions battery involves touching someone while assault is the threat of immediate danger.
Actually I don’t think it does, at least depending on where you are, and the definition for sexual assault might be different, but in my state (US) you can be charged with assault even for intent to attack someone.
I don’t see how mooning can be considered the intent to attack.
It’s harassment, sure. Not assault.
I think it might depend on if the person mooning is moving toward the victim and if the victim is “in range” of…the butt.
If someone was backing that (bare) ass up on me I’d definitely feel threatened, or if they moon me so close that they might spray me.
It can be in some jurisdictions, yes
Only if they’re a Cunt