There’s a campaign near me to protect valuable old trees which are slated for destruction. These trees are on public property and being killed to make way for a parking deck. The misguided decision makers have already made it “legal” for them to do this, and some of us intend to fight.

I would love to hear any stories or tips on how to approach strategies for raising public awareness, staging actions, and the like. Tree sitting is already a given. I think our situation is at the point now where we cannot prevail via the legal system. They’re doing the murder by the book. I think the only leverage we have is to turn public sentiment so hard against these actors that the political cost for them is too extreme. And even that’s a longshot.

Thanks and much love.

Update: I welcome discussion of all methods and actions! After reflecting further I wanted to say I’m particularly interested in agitprop and messaging strategies. Perhaps this is discussed in the Ecodefense link - will be checking that out shortly.

  • propter_hog [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    It should be illegal to kill trees. Many of the trees we see were here before we were born, and many will still be here after we die. It doesn’t seem fair for us to decide what happens to a tree that will outlive us otherwise.