Sites like these MADE the anime industry outside Japan because Japanese corporations absolutely suck at advertising and distributing their products till this very day. Almost no one would care about anime if it was up to anime industry executives and they should be glad to make some merch sales from people watching fansubs. And yeah yeah it’s a little more complicated but the main issue is how stupidly IP is handled in Japan, especially in regards to anime.
Threat to what? Is an anime streaming site going to commit a 9/11?
Are the insurrectionists and their buddies on that list too, or just the mongolian basket carving gallery?
Is there any way to save this site? Maybe the cloud links? that we can later repost so that we can reproduce the website incase they take it down?
Maybe make back ups on separate cloud services
Like personal telegram chats that we can later post incase they take all cloud links down?
Is there a way to save that site?