Joe doesn’t have a big mouth like Trump, but he actually does accomplish things. Trump’s jealous because he has no clue about how
Pete Buttigieg was point man and mentioned by both sides. History will tell a story about Pete IMO.
It’s still crazy to me that Trump has all three branches and didn’t pass a single piece of major legislation.
That’s because he’s a patsy. The judges he put through have done enough and will do more
Biden didn’t have anything to do with this…
Getting downvotes because Liberals want to give Biden credit for the union’s achievements. XD
Is liberal supposed to have a negative connotation?
Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law.
Read David Graeber:
The Iron Law of Liberalism states that any market reform, any government initiative intended to reduce red tape and promote market forces will have the ultimate effect of increasing the total number of regulations, the total amount of paperwork, and the total number of bureaucrats the government employs.
History reveals that political policies that favor “the market” have always meant even more people in offices to administer things, but it also reveals that they also mean an increase of the range and density of social relations that are ultimately regulated by the threat of violence. This obviously flies in the face of everything we’ve been taught to believe about the market, but if you observe what actually happens, it’s clearly true. The bureaucratization of daily life means the imposition of impersonal rules and regulations; impersonal rules and regulations, in turn, can only operate if they are backed up by the threat of force. And indeed, in this most recent phase of total bureaucratization, we’ve seen security cameras, police scooters, issuers of temporary ID cards, and men and women in a variety of uniforms acting in either public or private capacities, trained in tactics of menacing, intimidating, and ultimately deploying physical violence, appear just about everywhere—even in places such as playgrounds, primary schools, college campuses, hospitals, libraries, parks, or beach resorts, where fifty years ago their presence would have been considered scandalous, or simply weird.
I used to hold the same belief and considered myself a proponent of limited governance. However, the individuals I know that advocated for smaller government did so because they preferred to be governed by the church instead.
I don’t believe that labeling others as liberal or conservative helps anything.
We had a major infrastructure strike. It was brief, workers got more of what they wanted on their terms. The sky didn’t fall, the entire economy didn’t immediately collapse.
All the fearmongering surrounding rail workers being able to strike was anti-labor bullshit.
Not that I oppose union strikes but it’s kind of dirty to do that to Democrats in the 11th hour. Not like their conditions would improve under Trump…
So associating bad publicity of obstructing hurricane aid is genius.
The union demands were extremely reasonable. What’s dirty is that the company would prefer it to get to this stage than actually pay the workers fairly.
Dirty is how this would have played out had the strike occurred at any other time. Congress would have legislated back to work orders and that’s assuming POTUS couldn’t just use an executive order to do it.
Striking now meant honest negotiations instead of BS federal interference.
Yeah I’m sure the maga union boss was totally acting in good faith on behalf of his workers here…
Again, short-sighted. The damage may very well be done and this could jeopardize 4 years of someone who definitely will do jack shit for unions.
I know the tankies are upset, here, but here’s a dose of reality:
Union leader asking members to “pray” for Trump and his wonderful meeting with him.
Worth noting to the inevitable raising of the Rail Strike break-up that he intervened to keep supplies coming for December of that year would ultimately have hit the poor and middle class the hardest… .All the while he still managed to include half of their demands by way of a pay raise.
Actually, it would hit the wallets of the rail company shareholders hardest.
Also, don’t pretend that the rail strikers came out on top in that negotiation. Their #1 issue was understaffing and the total lack of sick time, neither of which were addressed.
Norfolk Southern and the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers -Transportation Division (SMART-TD) said Monday they reached an agreement that immediately provides nearly 300 yardmasters with four new days of paid sick leave per year while also offering flexibility to use up to three additional days of existing paid time off as sick leave.
Norfolk Southern said all of its unionized workers are now covered by sick leave agreements.
Also on Monday, Union Pacific reached an agreement with the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) to provide paid sick leave to for its 5,600 locomotive engineers.
Under the agreement effective Aug. 1, members will have up to seven paid days of sick leave. Five days will be considered paid sick days with the ability to convert two additional paid leave days for use as paid sick time.
You left out the important part at the top of the article:
WASHINGTON, June 5 [more than 6 months after the fact] (Reuters) - More than 60% of U.S. unionized railroad workers at major railroads are now are covered by new sick leave agreements, a trade group said Monday. Last year railroads came under fire for not agreeing to paid sick leave during labor negotiations. In December, President Joe Biden signed legislation to block a national U.S. railroad strike after some unions voted against the deal over a lack of paid sick leave.