Prosecutors said Giuliani failed to send the message because “he put the wrong number into his phone,” prosecutors wrote.
I wonder if any of those random texts I get are from this chuckle fuck.
“Text back now to overthrow democracy!”
“Sir, this is Four Seasons Landscaping”.
“You’re gonna be there hic right, Casey?”
“Where, Rudy?”
“At the Capitol! When Trump strides in, amongst all his armed supporters to take back the Presidency! hic *burp*”
“What are you talking about Rudy?”
“Uhhhh . . nevermind! hic”
It’s a mild relief that the most incompetent dipshits in Washington are the ones who tried to overthrow democracy.
I’m worried they won’t be as incompetent next time.
My tinfoil hat theory is the Rs have progressively put increasingly stupid people into the party to see how much the nation will tolerate. This started with Bush Jr., then tried with the tea party, backed off a bit, and let it bake for a while.
Then, once they got their ducks in a row, they got behind Trump. Someone so fucking stupid that anything he tried, they would just chalk up to insanity. When they saw it worked, they went all in, now with a fucking plan in Project 2025. Now ANYONE they put in ANY leadership role knows exactly what to do to burn it all to the ground.
A lot of red states have put laws into place to make usurping the election all but a certainty.
This may very well be the last democratic election that we’ll have in our lifetime if we’re not careful.
Raising my children, I got painfully aware of how “lasts” work.
The last time your baby asks you to pick them up. The last time they ask you to take them trick-or-treating. The last time you read a bedtime story.
The one thing that is common to all the lasts is you never know it was the last time until it’s too late. It’s always already a memory. At the time it seemed like every other time so you didn’t even savor it.
What I’m trying to say is, if they manage to usurp the election this time, then 2024 won’t be the last democratic election. The last democratic election would be the previous one.
Any New Yorkers here? I’m interested in your perspective on Giuliani. I only have a cursory knowledge of him. He first came to my attention when he made headlines busting some crime family as a DA way back when. Then he was in the news a lot as the mayor of NYC during 9/11. He seemed pretty respected at the time? I dunno. And next thing you know, he resurfaces as an enforcer for the Trump administration, winding up getting disbarred and generally shunned by society. I guess I’m curious as to whether he was always a scumbag or grew into the role?
NY metro here at the time. He was close to being shunned by 2001. He wasn’t performing well, he wasn’t that smart, he wasn’t effective. Then 9/11/01 we suddenly all had to band together. Nothing saves a term in office like massive tragedy in which everyone is emotionally charged and any act of rebuilding is “doing their best”. His platform prior to that was that he was tough on crime and took credit for a drop, but you can see the trend started prior to his terms and there was a national drop as well, so it’s not his sole doing. The 80s were a terrible time in NYC, way more dangerous than whatever fears the right enstills in their following today. Plus, statewide/nation wide impression of him won’t match the city’s impression, since he was still conservative. I will say, he wasn’t as far into conservatism in his policies as he and his cohorts are now. So while he may not have been as favorable across the board, he wasn’t so polarizing.
Imagine if these morons were actually able to go 5 minutes without punching themselves in the dick. There would be no election this year and the republic would be no more. I bet they’ll be better prepared this time.
Trump names Rudy Giuliani as cybersecurity adviser
Rudy Giuliani needed Apple genius help to unlock his iPhone after being named Trump cybersecurity adviser
Giuliani’s actions call into question his understanding of basic security measures, two former FBI cyber experts told NBC News.