i remember glancing over an interesting article about this. it was saying that this whole step-fad doesn’t really have anything to do with the person being related to you, it’s more about the taboo. the attraction isn’t the relation, it’s that it’s taboo to be attracted to them at all.
and something about the perceived pre-existing relationship adding to the sense of intimacy and taboo-ness, can’t really remember the details there.
there was more about how other taboos have become over saturated in the industry and this one is in this sweet spot of not too taboo for your average person.
i now wish i’d saved this article, but i truly never thought i would need to recall this information.
eh. sick or not, way i see it if consenting adult double-john jr. and his consenting adult sister peppercorn jr. wanna have a freaky roll in the hay under the harvest moon, it ain’t my place to judge and it certainly ain’t my business.
now if double-john is tryina fuck their horse, bodacious baby belle, that’s a very different story.
Worl is full of sick people. Why would you wanna have sex with your relatives?
Alabama has joined the chat
It’s this or nothing, so…
Hey, it’s in the bible. Two people eventually making 8 billion? Yeahhhh…
i remember glancing over an interesting article about this. it was saying that this whole step-fad doesn’t really have anything to do with the person being related to you, it’s more about the taboo. the attraction isn’t the relation, it’s that it’s taboo to be attracted to them at all.
and something about the perceived pre-existing relationship adding to the sense of intimacy and taboo-ness, can’t really remember the details there.
there was more about how other taboos have become over saturated in the industry and this one is in this sweet spot of not too taboo for your average person.
i now wish i’d saved this article, but i truly never thought i would need to recall this information.
Yeah, it makes sense. It’s a taboo which is kinda in the grey area. Still twisted and sick though.
So many taboos to pick from, but one chooses to fuck a family member.
eh. sick or not, way i see it if consenting adult double-john jr. and his consenting adult sister peppercorn jr. wanna have a freaky roll in the hay under the harvest moon, it ain’t my place to judge and it certainly ain’t my business.
now if double-john is tryina fuck their horse, bodacious baby belle, that’s a very different story.
Everything is fine and dandy untill it is showed in my face and potentially underage viewers as normal thing.
Maybe your relatives are ugly🤔
So that is the only reason you can come up with? Quite sad…
Welcome to the US?