I have installed Linux Mint 22 in a DELL laptop with a buggy ACPI implementation (the kernel complains about it during boot). The laptop hangs if it goes to sleep (I tried various Linux distros/kernel-versions, the result is the same).
Because of that, I have disabled SLEEP in the firmware (latest version for that laptop btw). So basically, when you close the lid, nothing happens (it just locks the screen).
However, sometimes you might be in a hurry and you close the lid to do something else, and then you forget about it. The result would be for the battery to run dry, which eventually destroys the battery.
My question is: what would be the best way to setup an audible alarm if the battery reaches 20%?
Systemd timer to poll upower when running on battery power, when battery is at 20%, use either system beep or set system volume and play a sound?
I’m sure is possible, but I’m actually asking for the exact steps/script, not the general idea. :)
Remove the loop and sleep from the script you created so it just runs and exits.
Then create a file at
with the following:[Unit] Description="Sound alarm when battery is low" [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/battery-alarm.sh # point this to your script
Then create a file at
with the following:[Unit] Description="Run battery-alarm.service every 2 mins" [Timer] OnUnitActiveSec=2m Unit=battery-alarm.service [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
sudo systemctl enable --now helloworld.timer
to start and enable the timer on boot.This will be a little more robust then your current script. It works without the user needing to log in. And there is nothing to get killed so will always trigger. The current script will just silently stop working if it ever gets killed or crashes.
thanks, I’ll try that!
Ok, I managed it by myself after a bit of tinkering. This is the bash script:
#!/bin/bash while true do battery_level=`cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity` battery_status=`cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status` if [ $battery_status = "Discharging" ] && [ $battery_level -lt 21 ]; then /usr/bin/aplay /home/eugenia/Music/alarm.wav fi sleep 120 done
Obviously change the path the .wav audio file to suit yours.
Then add it to the Startup settings panel on your distro (usually gnome and cinnamon have one).
Worth running shell scripts though https://www.shellcheck.net/ (has a cli as well). Finds lots of common issues that can blow up scripts when input is not what you expect. With links to why they make the suggestions they do.
Line 4: battery_level=`cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity` ^-- SC2006 (style): Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticks `...`. Did you mean: (apply this, apply all SC2006) battery_level=$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity) Line 5: battery_status=`cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status` ^-- SC2006 (style): Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticks `...`. Did you mean: (apply this, apply all SC2006) battery_status=$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status) Line 6: if [ $battery_status = "Discharging" ] && [ $battery_level -lt 21 ]; ^-- SC2086 (info): Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting. ^-- SC2086 (info): Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting. Did you mean: (apply this, apply all SC2086) if [ "$battery_status" = "Discharging" ] && [ "$battery_level" -lt 21 ];
It works fine, so I’m ok.
The problem with bash scripts is they tend to explode in unexpected ways when thing don’t go as intended. This could be one of the command you run returning some expected or not output which might work now but might not in the future. Best to program bash defensively.
That’s a neat tool!
Since you say
change the path the .wav audio file
fyi, the sys BAT paths are also different per laptop. Just in case it doesn’t work for somebody else or for you on a different laptop.
The arch wiki has a udev rule that can automatically do something if the battery crosses a certain threshold: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Laptop#Hibernate_on_low_battery_level
No polling which is great. I always try to do stuff on an event driven basis where possible for efficiency reasons. Gotta test this out though, since your battery might not send events for every percent change.
I would first attempt to fix the problem by flashing the bios with the newest version. What you are describing sounds a lot like a common issue with how deep sleep works. Its on the manufacturer to fix it which Dell is typically pretty good about.
If that doesnt work for some reason you can get an applet that will shut down your pc when the battery gets too low for you. Theres a few that work just right click the panel and search for battery applets.
It has the latest firmware, I wrote about it in the description of the post…
ah sorry missed that
this link may help solve the issue even tho ur not on windows try these fixes
I would instead look into the firmware settings. Dell has good Linux support.
You could look into using scripts with tools like
. A simple shell script checking battery levels every few minutes could work: if it’s below 20%, play a sound. Schedule it with a cron job or a systemd service for consistency. I’m no script guru, but there’s lots of good examples online!