There’s less Reddit meta content on Reddit, why did I come here?
You’re not alone in giving a grand total of zero shits about reddit at this point.
deleted by creator
I’ve blocked most of them, And anyone that posts whiny reddit posts, or all of those damned reddit repost bots. It makes things nicer
I saw one called “nosleep”, likely by other names too, I wish they would add universal prefixes to names or use a deticated instance to host it. Just some flag that lemmy can work with
I got downvoted here because I asked why the front page is basically 50+% about Reddit. I’m so sick of hearing about reddit here, can’t users make their own content or are we just going to discuss reddit for years? so pathetic
To be fair, it’s like therapy for a breakup, and we all know who the ex is.
It’s like shared group therapy for a whole lot of people who had the same abusive ex
And unfortunately there are fresh breakups every day. So for some it’s been a while but others it’s been 24 hours.
If you are ready to move on, mess with your blocklist to remove reddit, see you first pioneer! As to venture out myself, if you find anything cool, mention me
Reddit was the same way after the Digg migration. Everyone was talking about Digg for a while. Over time, Digg mentions became more and more rare.
You came here because we need more soldiers
I’m doing my part 😂
Service means citizenship!
That’s the spirit! Carry on soldier
I just started reading that this week!
Would you like to read more?
I just came in general.
The wall of fucking spez is finmy, but I find it FAR funnier to see how something that was one of reddit’s most popular things ever just a few months ago is NOTICABLY less popular. All of the biggest communities that were represented on the drawing earlier this year are nowhere to be seen. All that’s left this time around is just random disconnected drawings and massive flags. The soul is gone.
So yeah, stop fucking spamming the canvas and just let it be empty and soulless. It sends a bigger message.
They were stupid to bring it back anyways, it only succeeded the second time because enough time had passed for the people that remembered it and there were plenty of new people to participate. This time neither is true
5 years seems like a reasonable time to be fair. One year definitely not, at least not to be meaningful anymore.
It seems like they brought it back to drive up traffic. They know people will put those things on it, but they can edit all they want and going over there to “protest participate” still drive traffic to their site. In 6 months when they tell investors how successful the last place event wad, no one is going to want to see the final picture, they’re just going to look at the numbers.
Place was stupid when we were on reddit, its sure as he’ll not worth going back for
There was a lot of talk about the admins erasing stuff. My guess is they’ll ensure it doesn’t look too empty.
I’m ignoring it, though. I don’t want to give them traffic on a platform they can control. The real question is why can’t we set up something similar here?
This isn’t even originally from Reddit… It used to be called “drawball”.
It’s one misguided poster spamming the shit out of a bunch of instances, but this post itself seems to imply a more widespread problem.
What are you trying to achieve with this post? Would you like to spark conversation about this particular person’s crusade ? Or are you the umpteenth poster this month complaining about content referencing Reddit?
Honestly, the bitching about the bitching about Reddit is becoming pretty fucking tiresome, imho. Why are we talking about this? Why did you make this post? Why not just downvote that asshat’s content and move on? It doesn’t contribute, you allegedly don’t care, why post to complain about complaints?
But super-honestly, the bitching about the bitching about the bitching is worse. Why did you make this comment? Why not just downvote that asshat’s content and move on? It doesn’t contribute, you allegedly don’t care, why comment to complain about complaints about complaints?
We can do this as many times as you’d like, you still won’t have made a point.
Ok but even more super-honestly, the bitching about the bitching about the bitching about the bitching is worse. Why did you make this comment? Why not just downvote that asshat’s content about that other asshat’s content and move on? It doesn’t contribute, so why comment to complain about complaints about complaints about complaints?
We should not do this as any more times probably…also google en passant.
it’s bitching all the way down
In other words: the internet
It’s bitchin’ in the upside down
Dude thinks that a valid complaint about an annoyance validates the annoyance. It’s an ages old internet trope. Similar to the “I won because you don’t respond to me anymore!”
Who is “dude”?
The spirit of Reddit lives on
I prefer checkers. Or Go Fish. Actually, I prefer pinball, but I’ve never seen a chess-themed pin.
I get it - complaints about complaints, the ‘Inception’ of discourse, right? 😄 My aim was less ‘moan-fest’, more ‘awareness-raising’. But I see how it could have come off as one more tiresome rant. Point taken.
Downvoting? Sure, it’s a tool, but it feels like trying to empty an ocean with a bucket. As a community, can’t we aim higher? Maybe introduce more efficient levers? Let’s not just ‘downvote and move on’, let’s ‘upvote and move up’. Let’s brainstorm and pull this platform to greater heights.
Just block the account that made the posts. It’s a single account so it takes 5 seconds to get rid of it all. It’s what I did.
Not to mention, as long as the post in question is in a relevant community, downvoting it out of annoyance feels weird to me. That is not what the buttons are for. I’ve seen several posts I didn’t personally like, but not wanting to see them doesn’t make them worthless to anyone else and all those are communities are for generalized topics.
Guy just needs to get it into his head how far-reaching federation is and maybe go for a run or something
This is Mildly Infuriating. The whole point is to complain about stuff.
Ahh. The ol’ bitching about bitching response. This would be so much more effective had it not been pointed out long ago that this is also effectively bitching.
Thus the loop can never be broken.
You see… You’re bitching about bitching about bitching. So either you admit to being just as obnoxious, or you admit that a valid complaint about an annoyance- doesn’t validate the annoyance.
The complaint isn’t valid, you ignore a thousand stupid things you don’t care for on the Internet every day and have the tools and capacity to ignore this one too, so why not ignore it instead of bitching about a solved problem?
Sorry, I don’t see any solved problems here. All I saw was someone bitching about someone bitching about someone bitching- which is essentially highly hypocritical.
We can agree to disagree and both move on. We said what we felt the need to.
Of course you don’t, the lack the capacity to see past your ego dangling in front of your eyes.
Don’t want to see something in your feed? Block it or scroll on, bitching is a you problem.
That must have been a lot of fun for you to write out. Feel better now? I’m sure I would if bitching about things was something that got me off.
Do you practice being this stupid or does it come naturally?
Op isn’t trying to accomplish anything other than complaining. Trying to climb the ladder in our modern day social media culture of outrage 🙄
Super annoying but a great time to bring up Lemmy’s crossposting feature! If the image is hosted nonlocally and posted separately, Lemmy can automatically combine the posts and show it as crosspost links. Seems like this feature should work for local media as well but does not seem to in this case. Now this could be user error or this may be a place that the feature can be improved.
Does this work for link shares as well? There’s multiple android and gaming instances that often have duplicate content shared.
I think it specifically works for links. Doesn’t work for text posts, at least as far as I can tell.
I guess a big Chuck of lemmy users come from reddit. Not because they actively chose lemmy, but because reddit became unbearable for them.
They will oft course generate a lot of content about reddit, since they are getting through a rough “breakup Phase”.
I would love to see more acceptance for that, maybe then the ex redditors will like it here more.
The problem I’m seeing lately is that a lot of folks are bringing some of the things that were already unbearable about reddit with them…
Like “based”, “this”, “underrated comment”, etc… So much stupid lazy garbage.
Edit: to OP… The “this” referenced in my comment was not directed at your title (hilariously enough)… I only meant that one as a one word comment reply and didn’t even realize that was your title when I commented… 😂
At least there’s no gold to thank kind strangers for on Lemmy.
There you are! Gold, now you have Lemmy primium:tm: /s
gold, i dont know of I like it or deeply hate it
Good point.
I suppose it never hurts to be thankful for the little things… Lol
Thanks for the little things, kind stranger!
Lol… Alright now 😂
Or this is the way…arggghh stop
Agreed… Low effort and contributes literally nothing to any discussion.
I’m starting to think that the people that do these things are just reinventing trolling… Trying to get other people’s blood pressure up …
Well, congratulations if that’s the case folks… That shit works.
I’m very surprised some hilarious twat hasn’t replied to you with one of those examples, which you can usually rely on. Still, there’s hope for this comment.
And my axe!
Well, someone did to my comment
Whoever is, shut up! /s
Now that you mention it I’m kind of surprised, too.
Probably won’t be long now… Lol
I do love being jokey, I can never seem to tell if I went too low or am annoying people, I never have done a stock one-liner before tho
ive never done a stock one-liner
Lol no /s
Unfortunately unless we are absolute in our condemnation of low-effort comments, they will eventually proliferate and become “accepted” and commonplace.
It’s not super common yet on Lemmy, but as we get more popular the race to the bottom for low-effort comments is inevitable.
That’s quite possible… All I can do is my part in downvoting them and voicing my discontent with it when appropriate in the hopes that some of the group who are unaware it’s annoying (if that’s any of them) may change their behavior when or if they realize it.
Maybe I’m just a fuddy duddy… Lol
Moooooom! I’m too tired to put effort into my respooooonse 😪
Accepting that is counterproductive to making Lemmy a worthwhile space that will continue existing though.
Keeping people around requires being more than just “not reddit”. It requires Lemmy to be a community of people that actually create value in and of themselves. Until they reject just being a secondary reddit and be lemmy the space will not mature and come into its own. It will remain a space that just takes content from reddit and rehosts it, one that follows rather than leads.
It really sucks that we are still detatching. however, people are moving things off of reddit rather than meerly reposting (copying) things, only the creators and mods have that ability.
For the question of why are we linking to reddit so mutch, it is a unique culture that cares about ravishing reddit. After that I dont know where we will be.
My favoite subreddit in theory was tiny but still somhow full of corperate scam artists selling to those at the intersection of sex and sad. Neither of which are the point the sub. the corrisponding lemmy community is free of that BS, the people are way happier. but it only has 5 members, 6 interactions a month.
Who be them fools that’s from reddit?
We all get that reddit is doing this intentionally right?
Like, all the nerds (hi it’s me) that are mad about the changes can make angry art, coordinate to really “send a message,” the event wraps up, everyone goes “wow we really did something here.” and then reddit moves on with it’s life.
/r/place is the “using change dot org to send a message to powerful people” of reddit.
/r/place is the “using change dot org to send a message to powerful people” of reddit.
I mean change dot org results in no change. This results in negative change because it’s driving traffic, boosting reddit’s numbers for the IPO.
Problem is it drives traffic and then doesmt stick, make the message unremovable or dont enguage there!
does reddit profit if I browse it with an ad blocker?
Indirectly yes, because they need to show high usage numbers likely.
Honestly I’ve heard more about spez and Reddit on the fediverse than I ever did on Reddit itself. The best way for us to move on is to actually move on.
I don’t care about it as long as it’s not driving traffic. I like keeping up with Reddits slow descent into madness, and I like that I don’t have to give Reddit traffic to do so. I doubt I am alone in that sentiment given the amount of upvotes and posts related to such topics.
Oh trust me, I understand there is something about watching their descent into madness. I wouldn’t be subscribed here if I didn’t want to see it. I was more pointing out that it’s like when people would Facebook stalk their ex. Like sure you aren’t interacting with them directly in any way but the only way to fully move on is to drop the morbid curiosity. (Again, I’m also subscribed here watching the dumpster fire)
What if we had our own r/place?
We’d need something more unique otherwise ppl would think it’s just a reddit ripoff.
Hear me out, like really, please… no really! What about !place but your makimg a GIF image, huh? Huh? /s
Honestly one thing I think our future !place needs is color blending. colors can be blended with the below color instead of replaced. A notched slider or radio button sets the blending alpha. 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%.
Ya’ll a bunch of techy people, how has nobody here just botted this yet?
That is literally what happens every year with r/place. Hundreds of thousands of bots placing pixels based on pregenerated images. Then the bots fight each other. Then reddit uses their own bots to censor things or mod tools to drop a bunch of random pixels over the top of images to wipe them out.
Redditors agree, place looks verry genaric right now,
We should stop as its a suckers game without a botnet or other shadey tactics
Hey… I’m just wondering… do we need more soldiers?
I wasn’t clear on that. Maybe one more post will clear things up.
That’s where bushido came from. Too many samurai, not enough battles to make them fight in, so they came up with a bunch of rules to keep them out of trouble.
Just blocked the and my feed is soooo much better.
Really frustrating that all of those above was spammed into all of those communities.
Honestly, you’ve just got to wait until people get it out of their system, and folks do that at different speeds. It was the same thing on Mastodon for a while, after the big Twitter Migrations. People were still salty and up in their feels about Twitter, and were posting about it. People who had been on Mastodon for longer got fed up quickly with all the twitter posts. But they tapered off. The same will happen here.
Yeah Digg remained a huge topic on Reddit when the migration was happening and we’re currently in the thick of Reddit’s decline and hopefully the start of a real exodus. So unfortunately this is just how people are gonna behave for a while.
Huge “stalking your ex” energy
More like missing your homeland after it was taken over.
Stalking your home country after your Ex was taken over? /sSorry to step on toes