I mean if it just falls out on it’s own, you’ll need to get a new, bigger one anyway and the prince won’t find who it fits… Because it no longer does.
I like how you really thought this through.
I’ve experienced it. 😉
Kolanak, you are a beautiful, multifaceted weirdo, and seeing your comments really help make Lemmy feel like home. Please do some kegels to help ease your gaping asshole.
After finding out what the male version is I’m now constantly wondering who’s doing kegels without the people around them knowing
Filthy animals… 😈
Did you hear?!!! The prince is going around the kingdom trying to find his true love 💕😘! If the butt plug fits you, then you could be the one!
Does… Does he wash it first?
The prince does no such things. Now turn around, let’s see if your the princess 😘💞. It’s gonna feel a little warm because he just tried it over there.
In the old tale, the stepsisters mutilated their feet to try to fit in the slipper. What’ll they come up with this time?
Fur slipper > Glass slipper > Fur tail
I love it when jokes come full circle.
Fur slipper was likely a nod and wink that the prince knew Cinderella intimately…
There must be a gay Cinderella remake out there somewhere. Grindrella gets visited by the fairy thotmother, who transforms his button up shirt and black skinny chinos into a harness and jockstrap and sends him off the royal orgy. The next day Prince DomTop has to go around and top everyone in the village because it was a blackout orgy and he couldn’t see anyone, meaning the only way he can find who Grindrella was is by remembering the feel of that bussy.
This is a story I can get behind
you had to plug your comment don’t you?
Wait, they didn’t give us a full rebuttal!
Don’t be anal.
Instead a size check, it’s a sniff test.
sniff smells like tacos
Christ, that’s the risky click of the day
Did you not trust the link-text at the bottom, which you see if you hover over it?
There still was a risk, but it turned out to be exactly the product I was looking for
I’m on mobile so it was a true 50:50
just long press (at least on jerboa)
And here too?
Great, dump it on the street for a kid to find it and pick it up and play with it…
Person got scared by a honk. Happens.
“My God! It just falls right out!! It’s you!! You are the one I turned out last night!!”