Hi kbin users. @shazbot has been working on resolving iOS issues today, and I can tell you that it now works. I’m just a user and know nothing of the scripting these people are doing. I just understand plug and play, along with various settings of apps on my phone. So, for all iOS users you can now enjoy KES settings.
Edit: Follow the directions to get Userscripts and KES here. Make sure to install Userscripts first, set its directory for storing scripts, and then when you open KES and see all the texts press the Aa and extension symbols on your safari url bar. Go to Userscripts and load that.
How do you get it working on iOS?
Follow the directions in this post and the directions for Userscripts for iOS. It’s important to do the Userscripts download and setup before getting the KES script.
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I’m still struggling to get it working. I’ve moved my Userscripts to a folder on the device rather than cloud, tested on cellular to see if it’s my firewall blocking things, and deleted and reinstalled KES more times than I can count. Suspect it’s an iOS 17 buggerup.
Have you checked inside the hamburger menu? It was moved into there. Also, what color theme are you using?
I believe so - three dash button, top left corner on mobile. I’ve attached a screenshot of what I see. As I understand it, the wrench menu should be where the home button is on there? I’m using the right-most (purpleish) colour theme, but I’ve cycled through all of them and refreshed the page to see if that did something, but no change.
Did you post the wrong image? Your screenshot is an image of the kbin settings sidebar. There should be a close button, home button, and wrench button when you open the hamburger menu.
I know why I couldn’t see the picture. I had KES set to hide thumbnails
Perhaps this could be updated to contain two checkboxes: hide thread index thumbnails, hide inline thumbnails
That could work.
Just added it for inclusion in the next release.
I don’t see a picture
Are you beta on iOS? Like @shazbot stated, go into the hamburger menu from left side top and look for the wrench in there. When they first got it working, it could be hidden depending on color scheme chosen inside kbin settings, but they fixed that.
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First, Userscripts is an app. You install the KES script through the Userscripts extension inside safari
Odd, the picture is showing on my side. Userscripts is installed, and KES is activated from within there. I’ve installed/tested others like KUP and subscriptions panel (in isolation from KES) and they work fine.
No picture on my end. Are you using the web app feature or are you in Safari proper.
Safari proper - I’m aware of the webapp restrictions.
You made sure to get the latest update of KES, right? If you have an old version you need to update it inside Userscripts through the safari extension. Or get for git. https://github.com/aclist/kbin-kes/releases/tag/2.0.7
How do I open the settings? It says in the post, that there should be a wrench icon, but I can’t find it…
If you’re on a narrow mobile device, it was moved into the hamburger menu on the left hand side. Will update the help files to clarify this.
Ah, thanks.
@1chemistdown that’s great! Going to go check it out now
Regular tab. @shazbot has placed a low priority ticket for the pin to home page web app like feature, but it may be due to iOS sandboxing that web application and out of their hands. They know about it.
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Does it work in the dedicated safari web app, or would I have to use it as regular tab in Safari?
Regular tab. @shazbot has placed a low priority ticket for the pin to home page web app like feature, but it may be due to iOS sandboxing that web application and out of their hands. They know about it.
I believe you need to open it in regular Safari, @1chemistdown could clarify further; I am not sure on the iOS lingo.
Where can you find kbin enhancement suite to begin with? Would be nice if you linked it in your post.