Tempted to remove as “Fox by Proxy” but here’s an alternate source which confirms the story and raises an excellent point:
“If it were anyone else other than Trump and Vance who had done what they’ve done — wreak havoc on Springfield, resulting in bomb threats, evacuated and closed government buildings and schools, threats to the mayor and his family — they would have been arrested by now,” Chandra said. “They are not above the law.”
Chandra said the U.S. Supreme Court’s July ruling granting ex-presidents broad immunity from criminal prosecution does not apply in this case because Trump is currently a private citizen and Vance was not acting in his capacity as a senator when he amplified the rumors that members of Springfield’s 15,000-member Haitian community were eating people’s pets.
"If it were anyone else … they would have been arrested by now,” Chandra said. “They are not above the law.”
Those two sentences don’t add up.
“There’s nothing special about Trump and Vance that entitles them to get away with what they’ve done and are doing,” the attorney added. “They think they’re above the law. They’re not.”
Except for the Senate Republicans who would not hold their own accountable for crimes they committed or the federal supreme Court Justice feeding Trump’s attorney legal advice to use in the lower courts. And the billions in PAC funds and trinket grifts used to campaign for politicians and appoint judges who are loyal to them above the Constitution and citizens. And anything Trump did as president is legal if he says it was part of the job. Except for those facts sure they’re just like you or me in the eyes of the law.
Yeah, you can’t even pretend that Trump isn’t above the law when the Supreme Court has literally ruled that he is at their discretion.
Technically the ruling was for
crimesofficial acts he committed while in office.He’s no longer president and holds no privilege, except being the Republican nominatee for President. Which apparently is a protected class.
Trump isn’t ever going to actually go to jail. That would set a precedent for us to actually keep our political leaders accountable, and that ain’t happening.
If anything, they’ve done everything to excuse outright corruption in the US government. SuperPACs, bribes, it’s all getting legitimized. You can’t even hear reports criticizing civil asset forfeiture not only because the practice is so widespread, but now people are more concerned about even worse things. A massive and overcrowded private prison system being used as a system of low or non-existent labor akin to slavery? Last decade’s news.
Please, tell me how the US was founded as a revolution from tyranny and corruption again. Was that the policy when manifest destiny trampled on native American lives and left them in enclosed casinos? The US has always been about colonizers and subjugation, and even to this day continues to support modern world colonizers who, lacking the absence of modern civilization, rationalize the natives as militants when they oppose and make sure to place them besides terrorists. It speaks volumes to the sad state of global affairs that they are still the better option in terms of global superpowers to ally with.
The US compares itself to and lets itself be shaped by the lowest common denominator. Anything better, too socialist - but nevermind the small group of oligarchies power is organized around who do get the socialist treatment anyway.
Learning about USA history in high school radicalised me.
As you said, manifest destiny was just the same old colonialism they claimed to oppose, just with a religious excuse.
The US education system does teach US history and critical thinking, but applying it to itself is another thing entirely. The means are still there, so it’s no coincidence that there has been a movement to shaft the US education system an promote things like homeschooling.
“i’m still voting for trump!”
–this fucking guy
All the lawfare makes me more likely to vote for Trump every day.
Seeing the existing power structure try all this anti democratic bullshit to take him down makes me think he must have something they don’t.
brother, trump LITERALLY tried to overthrow democracy, we’re literally JUST trying to hold him accountable for this, and it’s failing at EVERY possibly opportunity because of republicans.
Also, literally none of this is anti democratic. This is literally why we have the courts and the DOJ and the supreme courts, these all exist to insure that nobody steps too far out of line.
LOL gtfo
you were always voting for trump
No no no. He was totes “undecided” until this one issue. As soon as the next issue crops up, he’ll again switch from undecided to trump. He will continue this trend as long as he thinks someone will be convinced. He’s the common clay of the new west and he will be heard.
Yea the anti-democratic bullshit like lemme check my notes making him accountable for the countless felonies he committed?
Get the fuck out of our America you traitor trash.
Bro he’s a criminal who staged a coup in any other time in history he would’ve been executed immediately
I’m beginning to think RawStory exaggerates their headlines for clicks. An organization has asked a court to arrest them, a FAR cry from facing immediate arrest.
Wow. Just looked into your comment history. Wow.
Seems you really need some good things in your life. Let us know if we can help.
He’s fine.
He’s also right. The headline is shit.
They really aren’t
You’re not helping anyone.
Seems like you two visit all the exact same threads, huh? Not weird at all.
I’m not going to look into the parent poster’s history, but they are right. As much as I despise Trumpists, the GOP and the media enabling them, RawStory is no better. Whenever I see such headline, I get to say “let me guess… yup. RawStory.” I’m this close with blocking them. I’m done with yellow press, be it from Fox News, Breitbart or, yes, RawStory. Give me something more objective, like APNews*, for example.
*I don’t like APNews movie critics, to be fair.
wow, just read this comment, wow, what a string of words ordered in such a specific manner to demonstrate a specific concept.
Seems like you just need some more strings of words in your life. Let us know if you need any examples of better or different strings of words.
But they’re right tho