I know you probably love a dozen tracks, please pick one, thank you in advance.
EDIT: Thank you all so far, especially everyone who kept it to one. I am at work currently and will make my way through the list but may not get a chance to thank you individually. I am checking them all out though and appreciating it.
The album this track is on is amazing as a whole. It’s like a musical journey around the world. It’s a beautifully cohesive album start to finish.
The End from Return Of The Obra Dinn by Lucas Pope
The title theme from Hades
Rip and Tear from Doom 2016
I know you probably love a dozen tracks, please pick one, thank you in advance.
If you like chiptunes, “the moon” from DuckTales does a great job at instilling a sense of adventure. If chiptunes aren’t your thing, here’s an orchestral version
We All Lift Together from Warframe.
Absolute banger and perfect for wageslavery.
Omg yes I forgot about that song ty!
Stickerbush Symphony - Donkey Kong Country 2
Unreal Tournament Soundtrack - Foregone Destruction (Facing Worlds) Wait until the DnB kicks in. Monster Kill
The complete OST has to be my go to music for when I need that extra push. Such bangers.
Batman (NES) – Streets of Desolation
Sega version is good too, just different
My Only Chance - The Toxic Avenger https://youtu.be/SeAAi7jWOl8
It’s a fucking hard call though because there are a lot of great picks out there - Doom does amazing metal and Hotline Miami has a legendarily good soundtrack… but Furi takes the cake for me personally.
and the sequel that references it: Hades II - The Silver Sisters
I wrote most of my Bachelor’s thesis and parts of my Master’s thesis to nothing but Watch the Skies from Skyrim on loop.