Whats Does America Stand For? The World No Longer Knows.
No, we know: USA Imperialism and genocide.
[…] So if you’re a Hungarian fan of liberal democracy, all hope is not yet lost. Pressman [USA ambassador] was addressing the Budapest Forum, a conference on liberal democracy […]
Are the USA starting to create the narrative for a color revolution in Hungary?
Tragedy, farce
Are the USA starting to create the narrative for a color revolution in Hungary?
They’ve been trying to put somebody more compliant in power for years now, so wouldn’t be surprised if they go to the next step and just try to overthrow the government.
Amerika stands for what it’s always stood for: indiscriminate bloodshed of anyone darker than piano ivory, on a scale that’d make Genghis Khan blush.
It never stood for the things it claimed to stand for in the first place*—going all the way back to We the People**—and the receipts keep piling up. Trump isn’t some exceptional case; it’s always been so. Today America stands for the international rules-based order, which is not what it says on the tin. What it is is neocolonialism.
*It did stand for manifest destiny, though. It still does, but it used to, too.
**The “we” was exclusive to white, land-owning males, a.k.a. the bourgeoisie. It certainly didn’t include native Americans, chattel slaves, or women.
Exactly, it’s more that the narrative the US has built up around itself is starting to come apart and their vassals are now squirming.
Their vassals seem to be squirming for more war
probably single most consistent policy since the founding
Capitalism. If genocide fits into that, genocide. But capitalism comes first.
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Read the founding fathers! They knew exactly what America the beautiful stood for.
The protection of the opulent minority.
Capitalism above all else.
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Serbia didn’t commit genocide, and the NATO bombing of Belgrade was a war crime (and, like the Iraq war, was based on lies), just as a bombing of Tel Aviv would be.