There has been a lot of coverage about how state Republican organizations have been taken over by MAGA. The result has been incompetence, mismanagement, and an alienation from the “elites” who we used to call the “donor class”.
I’m too old to be optimistic, but Trump sure looks like the leader of a loosing campaign.
They’re giving up the ground campaign because they don’t need people’s votes. They’re going to try to cheat and BS their way into a win just like in 2000. Just look at Georgia for instance.
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I think they’re complacent because the main plan is to simply not certify. And they have Mike in the house to make that happen.
Mike isn’t in charge of it though. If they’re depending on him then they’re sorely mistaken.
I too would be embarrassed to approach strangers and tell them I support a rapist felon for president.
Does door knocking work? I don’t answer the door anymore, haven’t for a while. I check the cameras. If I don’t recognize someone or their uniform I don’t get up.
Same with picking up the phone. Leave a message and I’ll call back, if it’s relevant. Don’t leave a message and there’s no callback.
And I’m skeptical of text surveys, what new scam could be contained within?
Who is doing participating in these polls? Is this all boomer data? Or are they just pulling numbers out of air for headlines?
I’m there with you.
We have a camera on the driveway and the front walk. We have a sign at the start of the front walk that, in compliance with state/federal law requirements, says no politics (among others). Anybody who makes it to the door gets yelled at for not reading the sign and asked for their permit from the city to go door to door.
We really don’t like people, outside of expected visitors/deliveries, coming to our door. Our dogs lose their minds barking and then are on high alert for a while going off at every little noise.
Political texts, regardless of party or content, get an automatic delete and mark junk. Same with emails.
Mailers don’t make it into the house and go right into the recycling.
We don’t vote based on the best marketing campaign.
We really don’t like people, outside of expected visitors/deliveries, coming to our door. Our dogs lose their minds barking and then are on high alert for a while going off at every little noise.
Your dogs take their emotional cues from you. You lose your mind when someone comes to your door unexpectedly, said so yourself.
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Would you go door-knocking there? That’s a certain way to get shot at.
It has become my opinion that Dems are patting themselves on the back and relishing in the failing, uninspiredl campaigning of Trumo lately. My thing is, if they aren’t putting their energy into debating, and campaigning, and generally trying to win the election traditionally, where is all this energy and money going? I bet good money that the campaign is not their number one priority at all, and they are instead putting everything they have into their impending coup. Bribes, deals, well positioned traitors, etc.
Well sure, but mostly they’re stealing the money
Get involved with volunteering around you to ensure they can’t catch up to dem’s ground game
Yes, great, but that’s not a sign for any Democrat to relax, at least not until November.
Still, I am imagining GOP campaign volunteers being like:
“Do you have a minute to talk about how your immigrant neighbours are eating the dogs, eating the cats, eating the pets of the people that live there?”
I’m not really going to relax until December 17th. That’s when the electoral college meets to vote.
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