After a prolonged absence, Winamp is making a historic comeback with a new generation of features designed to cater to modern users’ needs. The relaunched version aims to combine the nostalgia of the original Winamp with cutting-edge enhancements, such as integration with streaming platforms, cloud syncing, and support for various audio and video formats. While specific details about the relaunch remain scarce, this announcement has sparked excitement among longtime fans and new users alike, as they eagerly await the revival of this beloved media player.
No it’s not. It’s coming back as yet another subscription based garbage.
Oh! Fuck that shit.
creators can sell content via subscription and they call the feature “the fanzone”
MFs really brought onlyfans to winamp but for music.
Isn’t that essentially what Patreon is for though? How is it different (other than I assume no ‘bonus content’ for your sub)?
Sure but didn’t fit the context of my joke 😛
Goddammit. I got so excited by the headline, and then you had to go and crush my dreams.
I miss the time of the late 90’s - early 00’s when creators threw their products out on the web for all to use freely. Products like this (and DBAN, etc) were the only way many of us could truly enjoy and use what the world wide web had to offer without the intrusion of Micro$oft and Apple gatekeepers’ monetization.
It’s our own fault for not paying for that WinRAR license. I’m pretty sure that when the sun explodes there will be somebody out there on day 5,576,456,245 of their 30-day trial ;-)
Meanwhile, us Linux users are wondering what the hell you’re talking about.
Just use MusicBee. Nothing beats it
And it even runs great in wine nowadays, if you’re on linux like me.
Not a bad choice.
Winamp will allow content creators to manage their own subscription models. This means they will be able to configure different tiers to provide access to their content.
As such, subscribers won’t pay a unique price to access the entire content on the platform, but stick with a smaller fee for each artist. A new section called Fanzone will allow artists to manage subscriptions and configure recurring revenue sources.
Oh great, another subscription. And this one even less transparent than the others. There is probably a niche out there but still.
I would say this is more transparent. It’s less predictable but you actually have some idea who your money is going to.
good point, maybe for independent creators this could work.
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Subscriptions? NFTs? Yeah they can go fuck a goat
Perhaps you mean “Yeah, they can go fuck a Llama” 😆
“It really fucks the Llama’s ass”
Nah, they’d probably enjoy it
Oooohhhh one of those relaunches. I.e. A cash grab on a nostalgic name.
But it’s what modern users need!
Modem solutions require modern problems.
If you want to use Winamp on a modern PC, just use WACUP:
It’s a nearly perfect clone of the original Winamp and does work exactly as it should without all this NFT bullshit the new Winamp “promises”
WACUP! (wacup)
Grab a brush and put a little MACUP!
Hide the scars to fade away the SHACUP!
I’ve only been on Lemmy for a few weeks but this is the best comment this platform will ever have
Yep. I use WACUP instead of Winamp and love it so much. It’s between that and MusicBee for my fav modern music player rn
Or just use an old installer of winamp
The official website tells us that creators will be able to release tracks as (limited) NFTs.
Are we sure this isn’t some elaborate piece of long-form satire? It’s wild to me that they’d try to execute such a blatant cashgrab when the name Winamp stands for pretty much the opposite of what they’re trying to peddle.
remember when Napster became a legitimate music storefront?
Ever since I saw Limewire come back as a NFT market place I am convinced these people do not give a fuck. The more blatant, the better.
I thought NFTs have finally died out. Looks like some companies still haven’t got the memo.
They’re late to the grift. Hopefully too late.
It absolutely is not, it got a rebrand by some dipshit tech bros looking to capitalize on nostalgia. What a bunch of fuckin idiots.
Foobar2000 is the true modern day Winamp.
Wish there was a linux version. It with discogs tagger is my go to for mass tagging. But I can get it to work under wine for the most part.
Just use picard?
Listening to more obscure non-Top 40 type stuff. Musicbrainz misidentifies a large portion of the music. Because it has no idea what it is and has never really heard it before. Where I can just go on and find a reasonable match and get it fully tagged properly along with cover art and much more information easily. All formatted exactly to specification.
There is AmaroK for KDE.
It’s been a few years since I’ve tried it. But last time I did the functionality just was not the same. Not that it is a bad app. Just that when it comes to mass tagging and organizing a collection. I’ve never found anything that even comes close to what foobar and a few plugins allow me to do.
Foobar2000 is great. But I don’t have an issue with AIMP either
I think I’ll stick with my old version that does the basics without fuss or heavy resource usage. All these modern music players forget their primary objective is to play music.
Your primary objective is for them to play music. Their primary objective is to make money off of you.
I use the version on It was the last version before AOL bought it with murderous intent, so the developers put 666 at the end of the version number as a slight to them.
What about the pretty colors tho
If i need my fix of Llama ass whipping i just go to
Very good rebuild. You can load your own music and use milkdrop.
Love it.
Wow, in some ways this is better than the music apps on android.
Sounds like Patreon for music.
It’s actually more dangerous than that. They want to be the music distributor also. Yes, they are currently separate subscriptions, but with enshitification you know they’re going to link them into 1 package eventually, meaning if you want to stop 1 you’ll lose the other.
An example of that would be, you(the artist) find a new Patreon kinda thing that takes less of a cut so you want to move there, but because winamp are also your distributor if you decide you want to leave, they’ll also cancel your distribution removing all your music off of online platforms like Spotify. It’s a seriously dangerous path to take as an artist.
They are not the llama we once knew. This one I think is a wolf in llama skin.
I’d love to be proven wrong.
Exactly, but since this is music and I listen to 28 different artists and each of them has a minimum subscription fee of 1 euro, I’m down 28 euros a month. I don’t see how this model would be viable for most people.
Too late; I already switched to foobar2000 and I don’t see myself switching back.
I remember when saying something like that would get you virtually stabbed in IRC.
Winamp is fine if you’re okay with its defaults; however, the moment you want to for example do something a bit more funky with the media library views, you’re out of luck. With foobar2000 and Facets I’m able to do stuff like showing different releases of the same album, showing bands and artists by country of origin (for which I do custom tags) and so on. I realise it’s a niche use, but that’s me.
At least slapped with a trout.
I was using Foobar for the longest time, but I suddenly felt the need to have Mildrop visualization.
I couldn’t get it to work with Foobar, so I installed Winamp (about a month ago, free, no mention of subscriptions anywhere), and it came with Milkdrop preinstalled.
Please stop whipping the llama. He’s already dead
How else do you think they afforded this blatant piece of content marketing being passed off as ‘news’?
The original works fine in Wine… it just isn’t useful for anything but nostalgia.
What’s next, a rerelease of ICQ?
“Uh oh”
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The relaunched version aims to combine the nostalgia of the original Winamp with cutting-edge enhancements, such as integration with streaming platforms, cloud syncing
Shoutcast was streaming before it was a thing.
Wow, flashback to 25 years ago!
No this is good! Means you can use Spotify and apple music with a Winamp player Cloud sync sounds like they’ll offer cloud storage for your music as well
If I am listening to Spotify why the fuck would I want to use Winamp?
I am also curious as to why someone would do this
Could you merge Spotify tracks with, say, Bandcamp tracks on a single playlist?
You can create custom playlists in Spotify
Could you help me understand here?
I know you can make a Spotify playlist of content hosted via Spotify. You can also add your own locally-provided (e.g. mp3) content to this playlist. But can you also add content from a different streaming service to your Spotify playlist?