How it feels being a liberal who only reads current headlines
Thinking you are always right is one of the surest signs you’ve fallen down a propaganda rabbithole.
Thinking you are always right is one of the surest signs you’ve fallen down a propaganda rabbithole.
What? …
Do you think you’re wrong about things and not change your opinion to be the right one?
This makes no sense.
You should always strive to be right.
Strive, yes. But thinking you’ve already arrived at such perfection indicates a fundamental weakness in critical thinking.
Exaggerative jokes are illegal in “memes”?
Dialectical and historical materialism is, in my opinion, the best way to analyze the world and therefore leads to the proper conclusion quite often. Definitely more often than other ideologies/ways of examining things.
In comparison to people who follow other ways of examining things we are “always right”, this doesn’t mean I truly think following DiMat makes you omniscient.
When you live in an echo chamber
when you see the world in black and white:
Today I learned Marxism is seeing the world in black and white. No color!
no one is right about absolutely everything
You get that this is a meme, and that “all the time” is commonly understood to mean “very often” in practical terms, right? If I said to you “that guy is getting high all the time” would you well akshually me about how he’s not literally taking one endless bong rip 24 hours a day, or would you intuitively understand what I was saying and move on? Ironically, you’ve chosen to interpret this in very literal, black and white terms.
Of course nobody is right about absolutely everything. But when you keep correctly calling the outcomes of wars before they start while everyone else screams and sneers that your accurate analysis makes you some kind of enemy agent, before reality forces those same people to turn around a year or two later and admit exactly what you were saying, only for nobody to learn anything and the cycle to begin again… shit starts to feel like a burden.
well this is politics… semantics matter, “tankies” (whatever that term means anymore) are right about a lot of things, sure, but theyre no prophets.
This is not politics, this is shitposting.
political shitpositing, context of this shitpost is I. fact political
Bro, the only thing resembling an argument with this meme that you and one other liberal has been able to muster has been “um, well askhually you’re not literally omniscient”. Like at this point you’re clearly just looking for anything to grasp onto. If you’re saying to someone “well you’re not literally right all the time, just about all the important shit” then you’re just squirming around. It’s that weird “ah, touche” energy that your redditor types bring whenever you’re wrong about something but want to carve out a little tiny technicality where you can continue to not confront it.
Except when you peddle antisemitic tropes about the US government being controlled by Israel when the OPPOSITE is true. Fuck you dude. You are a danger to the movements you purportedly support.
Are you denying the existence of AIPAC?
The US government is controlled by Israel, not because Israel is Jewish and Jews control the world, but because we “need” them to extend our sphere of influence to the Middle East, and they launder money from the people to the politicians (government gives them billions, they send millions back to specific politicians in exchange for support through groups like AIPAC).
Are you denying the existence of AIPAC?
The US government is controlled by Israel,
Yes that is antisemitic nonsense, but it also doesn’t make any sense leaving that aside. You’re saying the global imperialist hegemon is controlled by an appendage of its own policy. You’re giving a pass to the US for it’s policy and part in genocide by saying its “controled” by Isreal.
It is of course the other way around. Isreal destabilizes the Middle East toward the equilibrium the US favors. The US uses Isreal, its not controled by it
Yes that is antisemitic nonsense, but it also doesn’t make any sense leaving that aside.
So are you denying that
we “need” them to extend our sphere of influence to the Middle East, and they launder money from the people to the politicians
Or did you specifically leave the context out because you can’t refute it?
It’s anti-semitic and doesn’t make sense?
So far this cycle, an AIPAC-endorsed candidate has won in every district (322 races) where an endorsee was on the ballot.
All 129 AIPAC-backed Democrats who have had their primary races in 2024 have won.
193 AIPAC-backed Republicans have won their elections.
You’re saying the global imperialist hegemon is controlled by an appendage of its own policy.
I’m saying the global imperialist hegemon created a base for pushing and encouraging their global imperialist policies and that includes pushing said policies back to the homeland.
The whole works to ensure the individual stays in line.
You’re giving a pass to the US for it’s policy and part in genocide by saying its “controled” by Isreal.
How? “Just doing my job” didn’t absolve Nazis and SS soldiers, it doesn’t absolve the US.
I personally do believe the US would prefer the genocide not be happening, as it’s bad for business, especially during an election year where more eyes are on politics.
But the rest of what Israel brings is too valuable to the US global goals, so it goes along with Israel to preserve that and is therefore controlled on issues that Israel chooses to exert control over.
The US could theoretically not allow themselves to be controlled. But that’s not the reality.
It is of course the other way around. Isreal destabilizes the Middle East toward the equilibrium the US favors. The US uses Isreal, its not controled by it
And Israel does this for nothing in return? Just like they give money to specific politicians for nothing in return?
It’s a mutual relationship. btw…
Are absolving Israel of its role in the genocide by saying it’s just a tool of the US?..
This is nonsense. Who has more economic power, the US or Israel?
Apologies, you are right actually.
Israel doesn’t control the US.
BOTH are controlled by the will of the bourgeois and this is as far as any analysis is allowed to go, doing any further analysis would be nonsense.
You think your antisemtic trope is analysis?
The anti-semitic trope being what exactly?
That’s a lot of words to double down on an antisemitic trope
The US could theoretically not allow themselves to be controlled. But that’s not the reality.
the rest of what Israel brings is too valuable to the US global goals, so it goes along with Israel to preserve that and is therefore controlled on issues that Israel chooses to exert control over.
Smol bean US being controlled by their own vassal that couldn’t exist without their support. This is really deep analysis. You are a very deep thinker.
Strawmans are really fun.
You are doing the same shit man
I’m out of the loop. Did OP pull that shit in a post or comment somewhere?Nvm, I just looked through their post history and they’re big on the ZOG shit.See the comment right below where another dipshit is claiming the US gov is controlled by Israel and AIPAC.
Oof, that’s a problematic reading of Zionism. Sucks to see
Odd that your comments were moderated and ZOG is allowed to spread.
What they were? Not surprised really since the mods asside from Dessalines here are pretty shit.
in this thread,
all but one of your posts has been moderated. No issues with the ZOG conspiracy of course.
Oh of course they did it because I was “uncivil”
The US created Israel and now we fund them and their genocide endlessly, but AIPAC money also permeates US politics. It’s a wild web of bullshit. Idk how any of that is antisemitic though. The only part I see as antisemitic was when the US and Britain didn’t want to take the Jewish diaspora themselves.
Idk how any of that is antisemitic though
Saying that the US - the global imperialist hegemon - is controlled by Isreal, on top of being ridiculous, is deeply antisemitic.
It plays into the trope of Jews control everything. It handwaves every blatantly obvious reality about the relationship between the US and Isreal and says “Yup that colonial apendage is the real master of the US, because Jews.”
Saying that the US - the global imperialist hegemon - is controlled by Isreal, on top of being ridiculous, is deeply antisemitic.
Isn’t that an Israeli talking point tho, that any criticism of them is anti-semitic, equating any criticism of the zionist project as anti-semitic? Seems like both white-supremacists (who want to see an evil jewish cabal controlling everything), and Israel (who want their state to be equated with judaism), agree on that equation, even though they’re on opposite sides.
Isreal hides behind all of semitism as a human shield, so it makes sense that of the criticisms they label antisemitic (all of them) that some of them actually would be. It’s understandable (not good or tolerable but also not an anomaly) that given the hideously complicated level of intertwining machinery between our two occupation governments, someone without a materialist grounding in the subject could come to confuse who controls who, especially someone who’s grown up marinating in casually fascist explanations for the state of the world like most of us did
I just realized that it kind of sounds like I was implying you don’t know materialism so I wanna clarify that I’m talking about a hypothetical rando, I know you’re Dessalines lmao
Exactly. Im a stickler on this point because I’ve had to go through conversations with left leaning jewish friends who still have some lingering brainworms. It matters to understand what is actual antisemitism. The zionist will not act in good faith - so it’s even more important for us to understand the difference
Isn’t that an Israeli talking point tho, that any criticism of them is anti-semitic, equating any criticism of the zionist project as anti-semitic?
No. What I’m saying is that specifically believing the US is controlled by Isreal - that the US is subordinate to Isreal - that is an antisemitic belief (on top of being ridiculous). That’s not an isreali talking point. Believing that is not helping combat zionism - it helps it.
I’m anti-zionist. That’s why its very important to me to point out this antisemitic belief because its detrimental to the cause of anti-zionism.
That makes sense. Its a very weird thing to think anyway, that the most powerful country in history is somehow controlled by a vassal state they helped create, and who’s only able to continue existing due to US support.
Yep, it’s a hand-washing of the US’s role in Zionism. The consequence of this line of thinking is that the US is merely being used, it sides with the Imperialist Hegemon against its vassal, excusing Imperalism.
It’s the anti-Zionist Liberal interpretation, excusing the Empire for the deeds its Vassal commits.
It’s the anti-Zionist Liberal interpretation, excusing the Empire for the deeds its Vassal commits.
Nailed it. They need to excuse the US and they get to do it in a racist way. Liberal win-win
deleted by creator
Uhh… Sure.
The analytical tools of Marxism-Leninism do make it easier for Marxist-Leninists to be correct. If you disagree with that, you should probably read Marx, Engels, and Lenin.
Read Stalin 🗿
I agree. He made great contributions to theory. Foundations of Leninism is great - and he’s a really good writer on top of it. Unsurprising as he was a voracious reader of Marxist theory.
Dialectical and Historical Materialism is a good text as well as Marxism and the National Question. Stalin’s writing style is surprisingly gentle and clear, as opposed to Marx’s literary style, Engels’ flowery style, Lenin’s angry shitposter style, or Mao’s straightforward and direct style.
I love Stalin’s writings style. That’s a great breakdown. Dialectic and Historical Materislism is the best explanation of those concepts.
I actually prefer Politzer’s Elementary Principles of Philosophy, it helped me greatly with comprehending dialectical and historical materialism. Dialectical and Historical Materialism is good, but Elementary Principles of Philosophy breaks the subject into easily digestible building blocks.
Dialectical and historical materialism is, in my opinion, one of the best texts for an introduction to Marxism-leninism.
Id read Some of the other more recommended stuff like Principles of Communism, the Manifesto, etc and had vague ideations.
But I found that text on my own while looking into “Stalinism” and it just made everything “click”.
Read Stalin 🗿
I will always push Politzer’s Elementary Principles of Philosophy whenever Dialectical and Historical Materialism is brought up. I prefer it over Dialectical and Historical Materialism greatly, it is more in-depth and breaks the subject down into smaller bites.
I have no idea what the Easter Island head means.
Idk I used it as a “chad”