Now it’s a thing Trump says because his neurons fire in his dying brain but I’ll always remember it as slang for (.)(.)
AFK mom needs phone.
~♫Save me from the nothing I’ve become♫~
All those times I went link dead in Everquest from my grandma picking up the phone
hey babe wanna cyber?
I put on my robe and wizard hat
God dammit blood ninja
I used to roll up into aol chat rooms as a kid and get yelled at by retirees for being too young in the chat.
Hello, Valued AOL Customer!
I am an AOL customer service rep as you can see by my name A0L_Admin-253886. We are currently experiencing a data loss and require you to verify some account information. Within a timely manner, please provide your Credit Card Number, Security Code, and Expiration date in order to prevent an interruption to your AOL experience.
Always remember: AOL will never ask for your password over chat. So please watch out for those scams.
Thank you,
I fell for one of those as a kid and put in my mom’s cc number. Remembered we had to cancel the card.
Oof. Friendly fire. My bad.😅
i used to wonder why anyone cared if there were any women in the chat rooms; it should have been the first clue that i wasn’t straight. lol
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
23/m/cali ne1 want 2 cyber press 11
there’s a show in Hulu with Maya Erskine and somebody else called PEN15 which is incredible all around as a comedy capturing the awkward stage of early adolescence, but also specifically in the early dialup internet era. it unlocked some very cringey memories in me I had buried, but is so funny it’s worth it.
there’s a whole episode on AIM that is hysterical and the way they portray themselves and the absurdity of peer groups at that age is nothing short of true genius.
18/unknown/behind you, duh
Yes and I also remember that it was considered kind of a weird thing to do rather than something everyone does.
You’re right. I’m so used to it being normalized that I forgot there was a time when people got made fun of for doing it.
That and Bluetooth headpieces got mocked endlessly during the 2000s. Now everyone is wearing some kind of airpod style earbud with a buit in mic and Snapchating all kinds of pictures.
Those are still embarrassing, idgaf.
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They kinda represent the last vestige of the wild west Internet now that I think about it
They stopped using sexting ages ago and call it ERP (erotic roleplay) now. Sorry grandpa.
erp sounds like my reaction to accidentally walking in on the wrong chatroom, so i guess it’s a fitting acronym
Enterprise Roleplay
Erotic Resource PlanningERP (erotic roleplay)
not all sexting is roleplay
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pushes up glasses and clears throat (rant, sorry but not sorry)
Actually proper ERP requires some amount of set-up (whether character sheets that both look at or a short discussion or both), the conceit that people are playing characters (sometimes even in third person) whereas cybering is kind of spontaneous and first person, based purely around the direct imagination of things being done to you the person and you doing things to the person you’re typing at and rarely gets above a couple sentences per reply and doesn’t tend to take place outside of the immediate realm of the possible such as one party’s home or some other mundane and immediately accessible location.
Sexting IMO is just cybering with the added strong likelihood that media (visual and/or audio) of one or both parties is exchanged during the act to further it and the strong likelihood that both parties know each other in real life.
The difference between erotic roleplay and cybering is like the difference between your partner just coming up to you and starting to stroke your thigh while touching themselves and both of you agreeing an hour ahead of time to a pirate-themed dress-up occasion where you put effort into speaking like one between dirty talk and maybe use a prop or two before getting to the sex while remaining in-character.
In some cases I’d argue it’s even more abstracted as not all people ERP purely for the purpose of immediate/imminent sexual gratification or amusement (some use it for practice writing for instance or to explore some kink or concept like a collaborative 2-person romance novel whereas cybering is pretty shallow and let’s be honest focused on the immediate sexual act and fulfillment without much consideration to anything else)
A lot of people who talk of ERP are doing laughably disguised cybering.
-signed, a frustrated roleplayer tired of people who think “I put on my robe and wizard hat, I stroke your thigh, you moan” is the same as actual roleplay (even of the erotic variety). There are people who ERP to get off no doubt, it’s quite common I’m sure but it is just the same a writing and creative roleplay endeavor whereas there’s little creative thinking or ROLE-playing behind writing how you’re pumping and going for broke with someone without context, story, setting outside of the reality you inhabit and as in your head yourself not a character. You’re role-playing in that situation in the same way you’re acting when you behave as yourself with others, you’re acting as yourself so no one could really call it that or call you an actor of any skill or suppose you doing it lends itself to furthering your acting ability.
And here I was looking for advice on my SAP deployment like a fool.
Did you know SAP stands for Sex And Porn now?
i put on my robe and wizard hat
God that really got my neurons firing
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my friends sister got caught talking to some dude name longshlong69 or some shit lkke that at a 3rd friends house when we were about 14 lmao. the 3rd friends dad loved telling that story, was hilarious to him.
Kiddie creeper alert
nah i think he just thought it was a funny situation. Obviously whoever longshlong69 in this story was was probably a kiddie creeper though.
Rule 34 was also called “Disney” since most of the adult fan art was of the princesses.
We were on different parts of the internet lol.
When I discovered porn on the webzone via a friend it ended a long crusade we used to have scouring the woods for porno magazines.
I’m a desert boy, I had to discover porn the modern way, via hours of unsupervised internet access starting at 12yo.
It’s so fucking funny to me that searching the woods for porn mags is an experience so many kids had
Whomst among us hasn’t cybered with their friends in Eversong Woods
More like cyberbullied
I love this site.
My cyber home was wither Payon or Morroc.
Old Payon.
One of the cottages outside Ironforge for me when I was like 14. During a Horde raid of the city, no idea what I was. I think a shaman or something and morphed lmao
I was way too busy telling Chuck Norris jokes in the Barrens and looking for Mankrik’s wife.
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I admit that I had more fun with it than I should have as a kid, and still get down sometimes with the modern equivalent.
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Do you know de way
Idk I get too caught up focusing on Shadow
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I used to cyber on cokemusic which was the cocacola branded clone of habbo hotel with a crappy digital audio workstation built in
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Waiting in line in the room called “ONLY THUMBS UP” to play your awful sample track and get that sweet currency
Geriatric Beseen Sailor Moon Chat user signing in
american sign language gang