Does anyone else remember the joy of going to a state fair, or local games market/festival/convention to gave their PS/2 modded to play international games? Anyone remember region locking?
Hell ya! I have a hard drive in mine too. There are definitely modchips on the market to get the hard drive to work, but the easiest way (and what I did) is to just use a memory card with some custom software on it called McBoot
Does anyone else remember the joy of going to a state fair, or local games market/festival/convention to gave their PS/2 modded to play international games? Anyone remember region locking?
Fun times.
I can’t remember what I had to do to get modded firmware on my ps2 but I put a 80gb hard drive in it and everything was awesome.
Hell ya! I have a hard drive in mine too. There are definitely modchips on the market to get the hard drive to work, but the easiest way (and what I did) is to just use a memory card with some custom software on it called McBoot