They (I use that term to mean the average 4channer) were co-opted by alt right propaganda.
Most neckbeard, incel, Andrew Tate followers are what Anon originally was. We just lied to ourselves that it wasn’t really racist and that we were fighting a good fight.
Now, its a bunch of sad lonely people that found acceptance in intolerance and hatred.
They (I use that term to mean the average 4channer) were co-opted by alt right propaganda.
Most neckbeard, incel, Andrew Tate followers are what Anon originally was. We just lied to ourselves that it wasn’t really racist and that we were fighting a good fight.
Now, its a bunch of sad lonely people that found acceptance in intolerance and hatred.
Well that is kind of depressing.
But its backed by real hard facts and sourced from one of the smallest neckbeards ever.
I don’t think people who refer to “Anonymous” are referring to “the average 4channer”.