Billionaire wants a totalitarian state, who’s surprised?
They will ensure a lot of smashed up AI cameras that’s for sure
While wearing a mask that’ll fool AI on top of a ski mask beneath it.
Can’t wait for a hallucinating AI to report me for assault because I hugged someone in public.
You mean like this
Explain to us the infallibility of human perception please. Since so many of you seem to hold it in such high regard.
The root cause of this issue that they identify, is 100% the kind of AI that they’ll build for this situation.
Old mate wants to use it to keep people on their best behaviour. The kind of subjective wording that whatever he doesn’t like, is the exact reason people lie in court.
Power to that thought process through systemising it, legitimising it, is exactly part of the problem.
What’s that American who said lies about the eating cats then justifying it by saying “I’d lie if it got the American public to wake up”. Let me get the quote…
If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.
Yep. It’s not infallible, it’s intentional. Intent goes into the creation of systems and implementations. These are the kind of people that want these systems. They’re justified in their own minds.
So to close the loop you linked that article and it’s point was:
More than half of wrongful convictions can be traced to witnesses who lied
Don’t give them reason for more ways to do so. Don’t give them legitimacy. That’s deterministic. It’s intent. It’s not failed if it worked. Your opinion on a system which is failed or fallible is not the same as the Oracle hocho who wants to be God.
They’re not sharing your values, morals, ethics or compassion.
What an unhinged rant. Even 30 seconds after posting I can barely understand my point. I’ll leave it there unedited though.
These pattern recognition bots just allow the justice system to be stupid faster.
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Also I expect there should be more surveillance around powerful people like Larry Ellison, right?
The more powerful, the more important is to ensure good behavior, and the more public / peer-reviewed the AI model and its logs should be to avoid tampering/laundering.
Oh for fucks sake can we please stop putting AI everywhere
Will Ellison and government officials volunteer to be observed for next 5 years to prove software?
I mean, he’s a billionaire. I guess there’s big money on propping up totalitarian regimes.
The panopticon is a design of institutional building with an inbuilt system of control, originated by the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century. The concept is to allow all prisoners of an institution to be observed by a single corrections officer, without the inmates knowing whether or not they are being watched.
Although it is physically impossible for the single guard to observe all the inmates’ cells at once, the fact that the inmates cannot know when they are being watched motivates them to act as though they are all being watched at all times. They are effectively compelled to self-regulation. The architecture consists of a rotunda with an inspection house at its centre. From the centre, the manager or staff are able to watch the inmates. Bentham conceived the basic plan as being equally applicable to hospitals, schools, sanatoriums, and asylums. He devoted most of his efforts to developing a design for a panopticon prison, so the term now usually refers to that.
I suspect Bentham underestimated the nature of misanthropic behavior.
When you can get ticketed for speeding while your car is on the back of a tow truck: a red light traffic ticket when your car was stolen: the police/courts won’t help you because it’s a problem from the private company running the cameras… I think we can see where some sort of AI backed camera network is headed.
A bandaid to fix this might be to setup an easy way for someone to dispute the charge. For every day that it takes the company to review the dispute, they would need to pay back the accused the same amount that they are charging them (with a minimum of paying them back twice the amount of the fine).
Even then, I’d rather cameras not be used in this way at all.
Welcome to China
Omnipresent super-soakers full of paint will ensure they wont.
We need them pointed at every tech CEO constantly.
Just gonna tell tweakers those things are full of copper