These idiots are quadrupling down on it. They really think this is their breakthrough argument and not something that makes them look like gullible morons who ate up a bunch of nazi propaganda? Or is it Trump ordering them to back him up on it so he isn’t the only one looking like a moron?
It’s worth pointing out that a good portion of the US media is laundering this narrative - straightforward Goebbels shit with zero consequences - only profits, the end of democracy, then a series of genocides if the narrative works.
I love that these christian fascists keep making themselves look like the psychos that we all know they are.
I didn’t think I could hate anyone more than Trump until this guy.
I’m afraid he won’t go away after this election.
Oh but he will. Trump will put all the blame on Vance. He threw him under the bus during the debate and he’ll do it again.
Vance will try to be reasonable but forgets he isn’t dealing with reasonable people. Eventually he’ll turn on Trump as a way to cozy up to “normal” Republicans. He’ll get a few TV appearances and then disappear.
When 2028 comes around he might try to run in the primary but he’ll get stomped on and be one of the first to drop out.
He’s in the Senate now and that’s where he’ll stay. Maybe he’ll get reelected, but I doubt he’ll be around much longer than that.
I like your positivity
This is going to get someone killed. At this point I think they’re actively trying to get someone killed for a news cycle that’s not about how awful Trump is doing.
Rule 1 of Trump politics. Never admit you’re wrong. Even if you claimed Alf was real.
At first glance, I read the title as “JD Vance shares vid claiming migrants are cats…” and wasn’t surprised in the least.
These MAGA monsters need to pay for the consequences of their lies. They need to be sued for every last dollar and spend the rest of their lives in jail for the deaths that will occur because of their lies.
Am I reading this right, it’s a gop plea for the vegan vote? lol this timeline is just goofy.
Can confirm that /c/vegan officially endorses the Trump/Vance ticket.