Starting today, I noticed some of my comments and posts aren’t being visible to me when I am logged in. According to the RSS feed, logging out and checking it through an incognito tab, the posts are successfully posted on the instance and others’, however.

Take this post for example:

Here you can see I am able to view my post:

But when looking at my profile, said post is not visible:

Same applies to several recent comments I have made. Am I missing something, or is there something wrong with the instance at the moment? When logging off, I can see the post just fine on my own profile:

This is also the case when using the Android client (Jerboa), and when trying to hard-refresh pages etc.

    2 years ago

    I responded to cameron with a meatier comment, but I’m at the limit of my knowledge and doubt I can do much more personally. But it does look to me like this is something cameron will have to sort out server-side, I don’t think there’s anything you can do about this as a user other than help them as best you can by testing or providing requested data.