Link to the article

I think that China could do absolutely untold damage to the American psyche and illusion of invulnerability if it simply instantly obliterated these clowns on Taiwan from hundreds of kilometers away with a cloud of drones dense enough to block out the sun. America treats the navy seals like they are all Master Chief, when in reality they are just guys who can carry a log and swim for a long time or some shit. Maybe that matters when you’re like… raiding a compound of a guy who has been on the run for decades while he’s asleep with Neon Genesis Evangelion playing on the TV, but genuinely what are these guys going to do to actually fight back against China? China will never even let them see a single PLA soldier lmao.

    • REgon [they/them]
      6 months ago

      Then going home to go on a podcast to talk about how “their expertise better suits the war in an advisory position”

      Reddit brigade was peak comedy

      • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
        6 months ago

        Really a perfect microcosm for the global South resisting imperialism today. The west goes about committing man made horrors beyond our comprehension, but as soon as foreign powers do anything besides role over and die quickly (Libya, Iraq, Yugoslavia) or, at the very least, remain in a state of perpetual uneven warfare with little meaningful retaliation, they shit and piss themselves. The west doesn’t even know what to do about peer warfare in Ukraine other than cry about it and mindlessly escalate, and they’re utterly useless in responding to Ansar Allah, Hezbollah, and Iran (when they DO actually act). The west can only bully and lash out at those who are unarmed and weak, but as soon as one of their victims displays true intent and capability of self-defense they cry and play victim. Pathetic.

        • Muad'
          6 months ago

          Absolutely. As soon as the bully gets outnumbered, or stood up against in any way, the tail goes between the legs.