The Israel Antiquities Authority believes that a set of ancient ceramic oil lamps missing for more than three years are at Mar-a-Lago, the Florida estate of former President Donald Trump, according to Haaretz.
“It is unclear whether the matter of the lamps will shed light on that case.”
Heh heh, I see what you did there.Lmao the klepto prezident
Don’t let him steal the White House again.
Ok, how did he get them?
They were loaned to the White House for a dinner with a specific donor. It would appear that instead Trump just stole them.
But they’re his! Because he declassified them with his mind, or something!
Get Ethiopia on the phone and have them loan The Ark of the Covenant
I think seeing Trump would make the Ark shrivel up and die.
He tried to steal an election too.
I’m mostly surprised he’d be interested in any decor not covered in shitty fake gold flake/spray-paint.
Gives a whole new meaning to the song “This Little Light of Mine.”
This dude probably has a whole ton of Blockbuster movies that he kept until they went bankrupt. “Ha! They’re mine now! Suckers!”
Wasn’t he who first stole Gollum’s ring?
Ok, how did he get them?
A disgusting act from someone who is critical of Democrats for not supporting Israel enough.
This is easily explained: Donald Trump is an asshole.
A big, unwiped one!