I have a, honest to goodness breaks the electron flow, power switch for a reason, the shutdown command was a warning not a request.
the shutdown command was a warning not a request.
Such wise words.
Love it or loathe it, systemctl is trying to do the right thing with regard to stability and data preservation.
If you really mean it, the manual offers a few levels of strength beyond the plain one:
(don’t check for busy processes, which is what’s going on in the meme),-f
(force, presumably asks even less nicely), and-f -f
(don’t even ask, just do it now, preservation be damned).You can do that to Windows. They may have gotten better, but I know that my friend that ran Debian Unstable back in the late '90s-'00s swore that if he didn’t properly shut down the machine every year or so, it would mess up his build.
Runs debian unstable. Shuts down his machine every year or so.
Unmounting CIFS , 1:30 timeout ! I just wannatgo to bed…
Have you tried the lazy option?
I’ve been living that for years
Lol nice. But seriously:
-l Lazy unmount. Detach the filesystem from the filesystem hierarchy now, and cleanup all references to the filesystem as soon as it is not busy anymore. (Requires kernel 2.4.11 or later.)
I prefer holding the power button for 5 seconds
The culprit often filesystem sync for me…
I was glad my server did this the other day to make sure the data Lemmy put into my database is secure.
$ poweroff
kernel panics for some reason
have to use the power switch anyway
Such is life when using Linux on a laptop.
I’ve recently had so many random freezes of the system, hangs on shutdown, panics on shutdown, freezes in system updates, that hard reset became a thing I did several times a day. Yet there were no systemd logs, nothing in dmesg, literally zero information on what happened.
I was skeptical in blaming Nvidia because at this point it became a Linux chiche, but then I started to switch to integrated graphics (disabling dGPU) and all of the problems miraculously went away.
Why does that even happen?
The kernel is cleaning the corpses out of the basement freezer chest before the power goes out and stinks up the place.
Leave the poor kernel out of it, it has nothing to do with this. It’s Lennart, not Linus.
Meh, init 6, you coward
kill -9 1