Ticketmaster and Live Nation have destroyed the concert experience. But it didn’t use to be this way. Today, Oasis and Taylor Swift tickets might go for thousands of dollars, but back in 1955, you could see Elvis Presley in concert for less than the modern-day equivalent of $20.
I just saw an article about how ticket sales are slumping, and that people aren’t willing to spend 600 per ticket anymore. The poor Ticketmaster CEO said that people just don’t want to.
Yep my dude, can’t be that you’ve changed concerts from “we should go see _______!” To “I guess it’s the one time in my life I’ll ever see them, I’ll go one time and then never again” level of special occasion. Seriously 600 dollars per person is nearing Disney level vacation money.
So yeah, of course money isn’t infinite. You hit the ceiling. Taylor and oasis may gather that much, but your other artists are going to suffer. I’ll be honest I paid 600 for Taylor. It was a once in a lifetime experience. But now they want me to pay something like 400 for any random music act that comes to town. No, Ticketmaster, she was my favorite, that was a one time thing. I’m not paying 400 to see like, Weezer.
Say it ain’t so!
Yup, I don’t go to any price gouged concerts period. I can afford it but I refuse on principle because more than $50 just isn’t worth it for me to see any artist so I mostly just see moderately big names when they play open stages at festivals. On the other hand traditionally “high class” music like symphony orchestras still have tickets in the $20 dollar range.
Yeah to be fair if I were a big Taylor Swift fan and knew that she was actually going to be decent live, like could actually sing well and put on a good show, then this latest “Eras” tour does sound like a pretty good experience, since you’re getting music from her whole career which I’m assuming you wouldn’t get from her other standard gigs for like individual album releases (I guess you would to an extent but probably not to the same extent as this eras tour?)
However I actually still wouldn’t be able to go see her in that situation, cos I literally don’t have enough money for it, but I get the appeal. But it is insane that it has to cost so much for everyone.
I saw Eminem at Reading Festival a few years ago and because it was a festival, I suppose that makes up for it as I saw some other alright bands on the same day, but it was actually a shit performance from him. Well not him, but the sound was fucked up the entire time. The music was basically too loud so you could barely hear him rapping over the top. That would have been a truly shocking fucking experience if I had been paying £600 for a ticket though! I actually think you should be able to get a refund in cases like that. When there are clear technical faults going on. You hear it happen shockingly often, like you’d think they’d be able to work out how to at least get the sound sorted out for a gig!? That’s surely the equivalent of a faulty product where you would be able to take it back to shop for a full refund.
Yet I’ve never heard of anyone getting refunds for stuff like that, even when sound issues have been widely reported so were clearly a problem, not just someone’s individual opinion.
Anyway, that was a bit of a tangent but yeah…haha.
But that’s basically my point, is that they changed concerts from a casual affair to a once in a lifetime experience, where we have to choose our favorites we actually want to see, and can’t go see people we only casually like.
And yeah I totally get the risk aspect, because at that cost in the back of my head was “is this worth it? Was it worth the price?”
I spent $10 at the door to see Deftones (mid 90s or so?), a friends band was opening for them.
I want to point out, this was after adrenaline, so they weren’t an unknown here - they were headlining. Now its about $200 for the same venue (just checked).
$10 in 1995 is $20 today for inflation. That $200 ticket would be $100 in 1995. There is no way I would have paid $100 in 1995 to see my friends OK band, even opening for the Deftones.
I think you’re absolutely right. I don’t know that I will ever even be in a realistic position to take my daughter to go see Taylor Swift without it being a huge birthday present or something.
It actually sounds to me like Ticketmaster found out that people were scalping tickets and decided to get in on the action.
I hope they get sued out of existence and then their executives beaten, tarred and feathered, and exiled from the music industry.
I want successful musicians to receive the accolades of their work but I also want their work to be financially accessible.
Yeah I’m not entirely sure of what the way forward is there. But somehow they need to get the prices of shows down or it’s literally just gonna be a load of rich kids at these shows.
I heard that… I think it was The Jam? Actually “stood up” to ticketbastard a while back. But then from what I read, it turns out they actually just ended up getting a negotiated better rate with them, so that THEY got paid more for the gigs, but ticket prices remained the same or possibly even went up as a result. So just a completely selfish thing as opposed to a “fuck the system, let’s stand with the people” moment.
Sort of a variation on a don’t meet your heroes moment for their big fans I think.
Happens all too often though. I haven’t actually checked so possible he hasn’t actually sold out. But MGK at his beginnings was meant to be a proper “movement” he was completely idolised by his fans (including me when I was much younger lol). So if his tickets are or ever do become super expensive then that’s a sure sign of another sell out.
He’s kinda completely changed fences now anyhow which I think pissed off a lot of his base although I’ve always been into alternative rock and rock rap like mixture genre thing. So I thought it was kinda cool tbf anywho probably no one even knows who he has so I’ll shut up now. But yeah hopefully he isn’t another sellout.
The one concert that is on my life long bucket list, for over 40 years, is to see Billy Joel live. He came to my local venue but I did not buy tickets because nose bleeds were over $400 and because I will not do business with Live Nation, period. It makes me sad but resolute.
Edit: For more context, I grew up hearing his music and I remember distinctly driving west on Java from Jakarta to the West coast in 1984 in a little piece of shit Daihatsu van my parents owned (that consistently burnt the bottoms of my feet because the exhaust was so close to the floor) and listening to Billy Joel on an eight track while bouncing and banging around on the awful roads on the way to the beach.
I follow CHH, and some of the bigger Christian rappers and their labels run the entire tours themselves. Indie Tribe’s Holy Smoke Festival, which is pretty big, sells some tickets for like ~$100. Still a lot, but considering their popularity it’s not bad, and way more attainable than those Taylor Swift tickets lol
Just saw Green Day. 4 people in the pit, 1400 bucks
WTF. That’s vacation money. Thanks for providing some reference.
Saw them in the early 2000s at a medium sized, indoor venue that had no seating. $25 / ticket. They stopped in the middle of a song to make sure someone was ok and a guy even jumped from the (not super high) balcony, crowd surfed to the stage, and played guitar with them for a song.
You got ripped off. :/
This is why they’re getting sued by the DoJ. And why Harris needs to win if you guys don’t want Trump to immediately quash the suit.
Feel sorry for y’all missing out. I’ve gone to so many concerts for headliner bands, for $50-$100. Not in decades, though.
The only time I paid hundreds to see a band was y2k new years party at Paradise Island …. And that was three bands and a full day
Just off the top of my head, some of the bands I’ve seen live before moving to the US: Iron Maiden, Manowar, Megadeth, Anthrax, Metallica, Slayer, Rammstein, Uriah Heep, Volbeat, Mastodon, Alice in Chains.
All the bands I’ve seen live after moving to the US: Laibach, Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Both were a decade ago.
I saw Metaliica for around $24 in 2004. From then on, I was on every gig of theirs in my country, until this year. This year I couldn’t afford to see them. It was fucking ~$320 (without the road to the venue, hotels, food and stuff)! It’s depressing.
They weren’t exactly new at the time, but I still paid less than $20 to see both P. Funk and They Might Be Giants in the 90s.
I saw King Missile for free because they said anyone who brought a vegetarian potluck dish could come to the show for free.
I saw Van Halen with David Lee Roth on their first time touring in like 20 years or something. I paid $25 and this was I wanna say '07 ish?
Seriously? Those of us who grew up with that music would have paid top dollar for that, even if their voices were shot
I paid £22.50 for my Knebworth ticket to see Oasis in 1996. Beer was expensive but the lines were so long that two or three was all that was feasible. Instead I got stoned off my face and zoned out on a little hill behind the vip area. It was amazing but I was so smashed that my memory is fuzzy. Ah well. My sister just paid over £1000 for four tickets to oasis. I think I got a rather better deal than her.
I would never consider today’s ticket prices.
How many albums have you bought? How are you supporting the musicians you love?
That’s kind of the issue. Ticket master is killing the industry with a service problem.
This is same issue with gaming or shows. To quote the god of service “Piracy is a service problem”
Ticket master take 20-30% of the ticket price and own all the large venues.
This is a monopoly problem, not a service problem.
I think Ticketmaster and Live Nation absolutely are to blame for hyperinflated ticket prices.
The fact that scalpers also operate is reprehensible.I will however say that production values of a modern gig are many factors higher than they were decades ago.
Safety standards are much higher, requiring more crowd control, more planning, more specialised equipment (both for the venue, and for the production).
It’s no longer “a stack of speakers and a mixing desk with 8 channels”. PA design and installation is both a science and an art in itself to achieve an even frequency response throughout as much of the venue as possible. Never mind the production of the actual music.
It’s no longer “120 par cans over the stage and a bunch of power”, it’s a huge quantity of intelligent lighting fixtures with months of planning and days of programming.
Never mind the video side of things requiring months of preproduction with kit that would make the lighting or sound budget look like fisher price.
And all of this has to be built and run with redundancy, so the equipment list is essentially doubled, and likely a lot of spares.
Venue costs are also higher. So all of that production has to be orchestrated to go in and come out in as fast a time as possible. And packed on and off trucks in specific ways to facilitate this. Logistics of a tour are intimidating.There are also entire university degrees based around these roles in production, people want and make a career out of touring. Places on tours are highly sought after.
Gigs are no longer just a band playing. There is a lot more show to it.
Whether this is actually what fans want is up for debate. And if it actually makes the experience better is also up for debate.Ticket prices are obscene, and I don’t think they are inline with the production provided.
However, if the live music is in demand then there will be people that pay. A band can only play so many gigs, and venues are limited.
Some of the increased cost can be attributed to making the job easier and safer for all the crew, staff and fans.
Some of the increased cost can be attributed “putting on a better show”.
Some of the cost can be attributed to some of these jobs moving from the “passion and hobby” to “a career”.
Some of these costs can be attributed to the increased skill level required to put on these gigs.
Some of these costs can be attributed general cost of living & inflation increases.
But I think most of the costs can be attributed to the exploitative behaviour of Ticketmaster etc.I mean I’ve seen more than a couple of shows at my local waterhole, and the price has been between free and $20. The $20 one was Moonhooch and absolutely worth it!
If you like listening to live music, it’s there, but it’s not T-Swizzle.
Yeah, some of us are over 25-30 years old and remember concerts being, like $10 to $20, depending on your age.
I was talking with my dad about this just a few weeks ago. He’s Gen X and could go and see a big name band for 10 bucks. I’m a Millennial and could do the same for 20. Even as a high schooler, I was able to afford to go see a couple of concerts every summer just on an allowance of a few dollars per week.
I’d go to full day festivals for $30. Seriously. One year, I went to ozzfest and it was free! That year they dubbed it “freefest”. This isn’t even that long ago, I’m talking 15-20 years ago I was able to do this.
Even in the ‘80s you could see big-time bands for less than $20.
My favorite band of all time is ELO. I found out the other day that they are still active. I saw some video and they still sound pretty good. So I looked for a venue nearby. Tickets were $280 +fees. But it’s also an hour flight and a hotel plus incidentals. Technically I CAN afford this. I just don’t want to. Guess I’ll just watch the videos. I can’t imagine paying $3000 to see Taylor Swift. I feel sorry for all the lower income Swifties out there. But I guess this won’t change since these concerts are still selling out.
Given how accessible music is, how accessible musicians are on social media, the fact that you probably have to travel to the venue, shit like COVID, eardrum shattering PA systems that make ear plugs a requirement, what is the appeal today even? And then it costs a thousand bucks?
I understand fun, but I feel like you could get a better deal if you’re just looking for a good time.
Well not worth thousands of dollars Taylor Swift is a objectively different show than Elvis Presley was.
There was some decoration on stage Presley came out he was the bee’s knees everyone wanted to see him, but you were paying to see him and for his roadies toship, roll out and hook up his gear.
It probably cost $100,000 in labor just to haul Swift’s stage out and build it an arena. They probably need the arena for a week before the concert starts.
I’m not saying her stuff is worth $1,000 a ticket we should get economy at scale for that number of people. But it’s probably worth 300-500.
Unless you’re doing the insane level of football field sized stages with embedded screens and catapults, your average couple hour show at your average decent size venue really should realistic beatly be in the $100 to $200 range, You’ve got to pay the artist You’ve got to pay their crew and while the ticketing system does deserve to make some money on it, they shouldn’t be getting absolutely still filthy stinking lobbying rich off of it.
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