These are mostly shootings that happened in the vicinity of a school. Natives attacking a schoolhouse while settlers are essentially at war with them. Targeted attacks on individuals who work at the school. The actual intent of using a school and everyone in it as random targets to be slaughtered in some act of pointless revenge or whatever doesn’t happen until much later.
So shootings in the vicinity of schools is definitely not new, but shootings as a deliberate act of terror or screwed up revenge is definitely something that has taken off since the 1980’s.
That is such a lie.
The first entry on that list is an attack by indigenous peoples. The rest are basically all what we could consider a school shooting.
as the 2nd amendment
The constitution was made to be amended to adapt with the times. Time to amend the 2nd amendment and require a valid reason such as hunting for having a firearm.
Valid reason 1. In order to increase the cost of wide spread authoritarian action against the people of the Unites States.
Nope, not a valid reason.
Americans like to say that but when fascists and authoritarians turn up the most gun obsessed Americans always love them.
The UK dates back to the 1700s and has a knife problem but we don’t talk about that or ban knives
To be fair, if you banned knives, how would you be able to perform one of those famous british stabbings. As a tourist, visiting London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds or even Glasgow just wouldn’t be the same.
When the UK has fully automatic knives that can stab multiple people in microseconds then we can compare apples to apples but until then I will take a knife problem over guns in a micro heartbeat.
If I’m not mistaken they don’t exactly take kindly to even letter openers. So you’d be incorrect.
Why are you lying? Wasn’t comparing us to UK in knifes us gun to uk knives I’m not lying your just misinformed