She’s coming out as trans as a public service to warn everyone about evil AGPs. Next she’s going to come out as a white woman to warn us about The Great Replacement
When a woman turns 40 the sex fairy comes along and locks up her genitals and installs a sign that says “sorry too old”
For some reason this doesn’t happen to men tho
Men are the sex faery in this scenario
For some reason this doesn’t happen to men tho
We came together as a society and invested millions in a pill for that.
The OG drug for that began life being tested (but performing poorly) for treating hypertension and angina but displayed a notable side effect. Sort of a “digging for water and striking oil” situation.
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Transitioning to certified sex haver on my 40th birthday
fuck people are obsessed, people arent just their gender when theyre fucking, i take my gender out on the fucking town, people actually dont even notice!
:( lol
take my gender out on the town
I know you mean this in the sense of a grand date, but it’s incredibly funny to read it the other way as a form of vandalism to keep property values down. 😄
Speaking as someone who started transitioning after 40:
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Oh, I didn’t know this community was crone-pilled.
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not yet, but I’m ready
Cronepilled hagmaxxing, as the zoomers would say.
Wanna make some caterpillars dance in the woods as the hurdy-gurdy wafts through the air from an unseen source 😤
I suppose I can fit one more caterpillar cotillon on my calendar.
I was already doing that when I was 15. In retrospect, that probably should have been a hint that I was an egg.
If your primary interest in being a woman is sexual, I hope you have a plan for your 40’s and onwards
Because we all know the moment a woman hits forty, her sexuality just ceases to exist overnight and they never want to have sex or are sexually desired ever again. Transphobes can’t help but shuttle in some misogyny in with the transphobia.
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She’s 47. Guess she’s telling on herself
Probably some gross shit about eggs and ticking biological clocks
There’s only one wall Brianna Wu should be worried about.
American CHUDs are the fun police, and one thing they really despise is any sexuality at all. Ideally even in people’s 20s and 30s they should not be having sex and only see straight sex as superior because of the chance a child can be produced which slightly makes up for “the awful act”.
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Actually the wall is 30. Checkmate removed!
Jokes aside, incels will lower what age “the wall” comes in correlation to what they think the age of consent should be. You’ll see them talk about women “hitting the wall” by the end of high school and other gross takes.
Have you ever heard of the disgusting Christmas cake one that puts the wall at 25?
I think occupied Korea has a similar slur.
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She’s just a misogynist
Being a minority pick me doesn’t mean the fascists actually tolerate you.
choosing this manner and purpose for coming out as trans seems… Cynical…
Fuck people who spread this narrative that you shouldn’t transition unless you feel you have absolutely no other choice. I knew I would have preferred to be a woman for years before I started transitioning, but since I was sometimes “okay” and my depressions mostly seemed unrelated to gender I thought I wasn’t trans enough to actually transition because of ideas like this.
Even though I’d never call transitioning easy or innocuous (who does she think is doing this?), it has actually given me the capacity to feel happy and fulfilled and I haven’t gone this long without a depressive episode since my early teenage years.
But I never felt like I “had” to do it. I could have chosen to lead an empty, unfullfilled life as a cis man for the rest of my life.
Also the last paragraph is weird as fuck and the only people I know who try to reduce the trans experience to something primarily sexual are transphobes. But also, I’m pretty sure you don’t need to retire from sex when you pass 40, like is the sex police going to come stop you at that point?
This one hit me so hard. Because I transitioned long ago, and it’s just that these assholes have never gone away. It’s people who think any experience other than their own is invalid. Back then it was everyone should be tortured by real life test to prove they’re trans enough. And they always position themselves spokespeople for the community, because their experience is the only one that matters.
To come out publicly for the first time, just so you can pull the ladder up. Fuck you. These people do so much damage, and delay so many people with their nonsense. They’re pure poison and I wish the hurt they do to the community were reflected onto them.
In conclusion, I want to scream.
“You should not transition unless” lemme stop ya right there, ma’am
the downsides are immense
compared to the downsides of denying yourself the rest of your life?
anyway, she’s pathetic
The downsides: You’ll face discrimination from people like Brianna Wu.
terfs will claim you’ll regret transitioning for the rest of your life, but won’t warn you away from going to grad school
She’s basically getting mad that people give bad takes on Twitter sometimes, and is trying to remedy that by… posting bad takes on Twitter
Flight fire with fire
“Social contagion” is such a
way of making this point. Are there some trans people who realized they were trans because of the increased visibility and acceptance of trans people? Yeah, definitely. Nobody is “catching trans” from talking to or seeing trans people out in public though. That’s simply not a thing. These folks were always trans, but hearing more about the trans experience helped them realize it and embrace their identity. That’s a fucking good thing you grifting piece of shit.
This reminds me of the whole “rapid onset gender dysphoria” shit chuds froth about.
Dorley Hall has been proven to be at fault for this in 99% of cases
AHHHHHHH i hate these fucking fascists. Genuinely the most evil people alive.
If anything is socially contagious, it’s fascism. The ideology everyone in the west is because it’s hip and trendy.
traitors should hang. that’s all.
Brianna please log off. For your own good. Log off.
she can log off the planet
I really don’t like this person