So to recap:
- 200 million dollars
- 8 years of development
- Sony shuts down all of their Japanese studios and redirects their efforts into developing “cinematic” experiences to appeal to western gamers
- Sony liquidates countless other studios in the pursuit of funding this game
- Sony buys Bungie to aid in developing this game
- Sony thinks this is going to be a huge success rivaling COD and Fortnite, so they fund an entire multimillion dollar CGI-animated episode to be aired in Amazon’s Secret Level anthology series
- Shuts down in 10 days
- Sony refunds everyone
Man, Sony is taking L’s like a motherfucker.
Shutdown within two weeks of release.
Never broke 1000 concurrent users on steam.
Estimated $100 million budget.
I don’t think I even heard about it until now. 😂
What went wrong?
This video does a good job explaining it. TL;DW Its an overwatch clone that came out about 6 years too late, looks generic af and can hardly compete with the free and interesting games already available
I didn’t realize that there was a physical release for this game. I just bought myself a copy to keep sealed in my collection.
May I ask why? Genuinly curious.
I’m a collector, and this is a game that may have a high value in the future due to being rare. If it was literally only available for 2 weeks and they pulled all the remaining copies and refunded people, there’s not going to be many, and I will have a sealed copy. Of course, it’s possible that they may re-release it in the future if they decide it’s worth the money to tweak it, but I honestly kind of doubt it. You may be wondering why it matters if it literally can’t be played and who would want it, and that’s absolutely a fair question, but in the end, the answer is collectors.
Don’t think of it as a pyramid scheme, think of it as a pyramid team!
Have noticed any trend in how “collectible” something is with the introduction of “online/periodic patches”. I always wondered since there seems to be a lot of software at different versions gluing everything together vs what used to be the standard before (console software was for the most part finalized at launch).
Haha holy shit that was fast. Stop shoving live service down your customers fucking throats maybe, sony?
Will the industry learn any lesson from this?
“Let’s all laugh at an industry / that never learns anything, tee-hee-hee.”
–Yahtzee Croshaw
“Refunds for PlayStation Store and PlayStation Direct purchases may take 30-60 days to appear on your bank statement”
Why do companies do this? They can process millions of dollars of incoming payments instantly, but take up to 2 months to reverse? Give me a break.
The company I work for does B2B and clients do the same shit. 45-90 day pay cycle after invoicing. That shit kills smaller businesses.
Bank transfers are slow. It is generally taken out of the account the next business day, sits in escrow for a few days, then appears in the destination account where it takes another day to clear. About a week total.
Though, if it gets held for suspected fraud or needs to cross international boundaries, it can sit in that escrow account for much longer.
In the EU we use SEPA and transfers are instantaneous. Used it when buying something of our local ebay when at the person’s house. Also most banks even have Venmo style payment systems… scan qr of your bank, click on my banks icon, authorize, done.
Companies sit on cash simply for cashflow reasons. Keeping the money in your account for an additional x days means it can be used for other stuff.
Can’t help but wonder if this would have been a hit if it was F2P rather?