Because Canada has the trashied oil production of the world. It’s all oil sands.
It’s better for the environment to import petrol from the US rather than produce it “locally”.A message from the government of Alberta
“We would be Saudi Arabia if we could.”
You don’t choose from where you get your oil. There’s one oil market. You can choose to ban imports of oil from certain countries (like Russia).
The better move is just to migrate further away from oil usage altogether.
“in Canada we don’t kill them, we just objectify them!”
Let’s just buy less oil altogether so the lesbians will still have a liveable planet in a couple or decades.
Me, walking into a gas station: “5 gallons of Albertan gasoline please!”
Not greenwashing but pinkwashing
my brother in christ those are oil sands, unless you’re leveraging the horniness of lesbians to break down and refine the sands, idk why the fuck you think that’s economically viable lmao.