Burning Russians from landings. The dragon drone is working 😁. The work of the FPV unit of the RUBPAK 108 OBr TrO. Correction of RR 108.
Fucking terrifying. Yet satisfying at the same time.
Slap a thermite cartridge into a wing drone airframe that has swivel wings with rotating electric ducted fans and a loudspeaker that can blast a terrifying sound over 140 decibels and you’ve got yourself a dragon.
Looks like the stuff is spawning out of nowhere! Ukraine casts Remote Flamethrower
That kept going like forever. How many grams of thermite are on that thing?
For anyone that doesn’t know:
Thermite is simply iron rust and aluminum. A soda can packed with powdered rust (with a tablespoon of proper thermite powder to get it started) will blow completely through an aluminum engine block. The reaction is extremely energetic reaching temperatures above 2000K, and is nigh unstoppable. It is stable, safe to handle (unlit) and difficult to ignite requiring burning magnesium or similarly extremely hot source (cigarette lighter won’t cut it) to get the ball rolling.
If anyone asks me what the craziest thing I know is, the fact that the ingredients for this stuff is literally everywhere and society still exists is the first thing that comes to mind.
That’s hot
Russian invaders, so hawt right now.
My god that’s horrifying. Do it again.
Love it. More!!
@mods_mum @LaFinlandia accuracy seems a bit questionable. Not every drone did a good job apparently. Gruwesome for the soldiers in that position.
watching the FPV perspective, I would be so sick trying to pilot these things.
Also that went on forever, I don’t understand how it was able to carry so much.
Imagine 30 of these coming towards you in a line good incentive to start walking east