Some of the LinkedIn Responses are direct and on-point, and also hilariously/depressingly based depending on how you look at it:
EDIT: In hindsight, I think I should’ve looked into posting this in a different community… It’s closer to a silly “innovation”… soo… is this considered FUD? I also don’t support smoking or vaping, especially among kids. Original title had “privacy-violating” before the “solution”.
Sure it seems draconian, but how else are we going to get the kids to stop vaping and start smoking cigarettes like we did when we were in high school?
Won’t someone please think of Phillip Morris’ profit margins?
Doesn’t Phillip Morris profit from vapes, too?
Bringing vapes as a popular nicotine delivery system is literally the way tobacco companies are able to proliferate and return smoking into fashion.
Also, smoking should be prohibited as well. Not only because it hurts the smokers themselves, but because others are affected without their consent.
A big salty tear.
Yes they profit from vapes, but they dont have as large a market share, as ‘anyone’ can make vape juice.
It’s easier to make cigarettes than vape juice. Everyone can produce them.
No reason to believe it’s any hard to build a similar monopoly on that, too