TIL the flash animation I made in 2004 is still available on Newgrounds.
I’m pretty sure you’re the most famous person to use Lemmy. Well besides Margot Robbie
31k views on Newgrounds. I’m basically the Taylor Swift of Lemmy.
Omg mine too (too embarrassing to share).
I forgot how much more patient with pacing we all used to be back in the 00s. Just trusting that the video would go somewhere and there’d be a payoff.
Looking at some of the popular videos from back then, people these days would just scroll away because nothing hooked their attention quickly enough. Myself included. We’ve been trained to expect such quick payoff 😭.
Fuck, now I’ma have to go check on my old deviantart account.
fuck I started leaning to program in flash specifically because of videos like this.
Actionscript 2 was the shit
Flash for Dummies was my first book on programing. I used it to make games about feces.
Talk about nostalgia fuel lol
User name checks out
TIL Newgrounds still exists.
I assume the success of Friday Night Funkin’ gave it some extra life.
There’s also a lot of porn
Friday Night Fuckin’ as well, then
Not to mention that fediverse software still loves to occasionally hug of death a server when you post links, heh.
(Post federates to lots of servers, and lots of servers pull images/previews all at more or less once.)
Quick, someone post “Cascade” from Homestuck and bring down the entire fediverse.
So we need better federated hosting…
I’d love to be able to “seed” the fediverse through p2p hosting of some sort. I’d set aside 1 TB of storage and 20 MB/s for that.
Yeah I’ve thought a tiny bit about this but it gets dodgy with things like csam.
How do we address some one uploading stuff that would get you arrested?
I would hav thought stuff like Lemmy would have configurations to eg.: not allow to upload images locally, only hotlink.
Anyway, an alternative is “zero knowledge” storage, where you don’t know what you are storing (hence, you can’t “choose” what to host or not host either). Another alternative is disjoint storage, where two different servers store different halves of a file (eg.: an Odd Bytes server and an Even Bytes server), but this means now it’s necessary to hit more servers to recover a file.
But the sensible thing to do IMO is to apply “common carrier” concept. The water distribution company is not, to my knowledge, held liable when something happens like you fill a bucket of water and share it with someone else.
The water distribution company is not, to my knowledge, held liable when something happens like you fill a bucket of water and share it with someone else.
No but they are liable if there is lead in the water, even if they don’t know it.
There’s gotta be some kind of limited liability for this kind of thing. I mean, banks wouldn’t be liable if someone put csam in a safe deposit box or (assuming they don’t x-ray packages) UPS shipping csam in a sealed package. I think there just needs to be reasonable safeguards against it but I don’t know if any of that is built into the software.
Issue here is that what’s in a safe deposit box isn’t also being shared/distributed. It is locked away.
If, however, they made copies of the contents of a box and put it in other boxes … and it came out somebody used that for CSAM then there probably would be some kind of liability.
Besides CSAM there’s also copyrighted material, etc which section 230 kind of covers but even then gets tricky since there’s a duty to respond to DMCA takedowns in order to get safe harbor protections.
The Problems of Tomorrow, Today!
Oh man, I miss that shit so much heh heh
Can’t they just not allow anyone on their server? Like read-only while people talk about it from other servers?
I’d donate a few dollars a month. Newgrounds is a great content creation space. I still play games there from time to time. The Mario 63 game is off the wall. Dead Estate is also a fantastic retro style shooter like the ones I remember from my childhood. I think places like this need to survive.
Hell Yeah, Newgrounds is blocked in my country. But if they added Activity Pub it will solve the problem for me.
What country blocks new grounds of all things?
Omg that would be peak 🥹
Edit: autocorrect :/
Newgrounds would be awesome in the Fediverse tbh, would bring so much content (beyond politics and news).
Image hosting seems to be super problematic with activity pub, especially with something pf Newgrounds’ size. I’m super invested in this, can’t wait to see where it’ll go.
“Millions of people” if only…
Mastodon has a couple million ADUs
but is concerned about hosting fees for serving images to millions of people
People stopped caring about image bandwidth decades ago. Try wrangling a video-hosting problem, like PeerTube does.
hasnt this already been solved with cdns? even if you just use it for the image hosting.
Those cost money too
shit costs money. cant imagine wanting to stand up a server/instance/whatevs with no hosting costs.