I recently got a Pixel and installed GrapheneOS on it. I would like to add some places to the map. Is there anything I need to know regarding preserving my privacy while contributing?
Thank you for any advice.
Every edit will have your username on it. If you edit a lot in certain areas, one might guess that you live/work around there. Other than that, I doubt there are any such considerations.
Some apps allow uploading photos when making a note. These services may not clear some of the metadata, though geolocation is already obvious from the note itself.
Thank you. I would be changing my username regularly and posting at random times.
Changing your username does nothing, because you have a unique, unchanging user ID. Just use something you don’s use anywhere else. Reputation is important in collaborative projects. You want to be known as a member that knows what they’re doing, and then you can be as anonymous as you like.
I don’t think that’s good etiquette in such communities. I realize the privacy concerns, but what if someone wants to message you about your edits?
Not editing around such sensitive areas is a better choice IMO. Hopefully someone else will.
@Cheradenine @Tyoda @openstreetmap
I don’t think that changes your underlying account ID.
Whatever you do you need to make sure that you are contactable through the email address(es) you supply. If there is a problem with some of your edits and you don’t reply to queries you may have your account(s) blocked and all your edits reverted.
Your contributions are public
I understand that, but in what way? I know I need to sign up, but I will be using a screen name. Is there anything that would tie me to edits, assuming I upload them randomly?
Make sure your first edit isn’t your home address for sure. If you just upload places you go to and your neighborhood someone could tie that to you
I like contributing with StreetComplete on mobile. You could look into what kind of data it sends along with your contribution :)