Hopefully the mods are okay with a little journalism about journalism so that people know where Politico stands in terms of being a trustworthy source.
The headline in question:
‘Next question’: Harris evades questions about her identity
The background to the headline is from Harris’ recent CNN interview:
“I want to ask you about your opponent, Donald Trump,” Bash said to Harris. “I was a little bit surprised. People might be surprised to hear that you have never interacted with him, met him face-to-face. That’s gonna change soon. But what I wanna ask you about is what he said last month. He suggested that you ‘happened’ to turn Black recently for political purposes, questioning a core part of your identity.”
“Same old, tired playbook,” Harris replied. “Next question, please.”
HOLY SHIT. This is a much bigger deal than people realize. Politico is suggesting that her identity is in question to begin with. It’s not.
She didn’t evade a question about her identity because there is no question about her identity. She passed an opportunity to get upset over Trump’s comments.
It’s just a different version of that Birther shit they tried to use on Obama
At least with the birther shit, there was a question of whether Obama should just put the question to rest or ignore it.
This is literally just an insult for her being multiracial. And Politico is asking if she’s hiding something.
Even pro obama people got gaslit by how hard they tried to sell the lie. The question was always “put to rest”, his birth certificate was already released, birthers were demanding a document that was the first result in a google search of said document.
Politico belongs to Axel Springer now so it has absolutely 0 credibility left.
Feels like how they treated Obama over the birth certificate
Like she said: same old, tired playbook
Just changing the word"evades" to “deflects” would have made all the difference in the world.
Not a Kamala fan, but her response seemed totally appropriate.
… would have made all the difference in the world, and been more accurate as well. I wouldn’t even have minded the “slams” here.
It was a dismissal.
She’s definitely used her race as a political chit, and that’s that’s what Dana was asking her about and what she’s avoided answering. I don’t think anyone here could find any campaign materials from when she was running for DA that referenced her being Black, but there are tons that reference her Asian heritage.
It’s completely reasonable to ask someone why they overhauled their entire racial identity in between campaigns.
Any picture of her face, on any campaign poster in any of her campaigns, shows her Black heritage. She doesn’t have to say anything about it, it’s obvious. And Harris is a common Black name. Her Asian heritage is not as apparent, so it bears mentioning. I might also mention that the Asian and Black communities have a history of discomfort with each other, so being obviously Black could have caused some Asian people who didn’t know her full heritage to vote for the white male Republican rather than a Black person. Black people have more experience with mixed-race heritage. Being a savvy politician, knowing how to approach different people, is a positive thing.
But she’s always run on her own capability. It’s others who tout or disparage her racial experience.