thought this looked cool.
mod link:
I’m using a dev build for 1.20.1 that they have in their discord server, they don’t have an official release for that version yet.
What is the performance hit like?
I’m using the Simply Optimized modpack plus this mod, you can see my GPU and stuff in the screenshot. my actual render distance is 4 and then adding the 128 chunks from the mod, it gets me around 140-160 fps
Wow! Those are some very reasonable numbers! What is your CPU usage?
when the generation is finished it’s very minimal, like 0.2%, but when it’s going you can control how many threads it uses so it’ll depend
You can actually bump it up to 256 or 512 without a huge perf drain depending on your setup, distant horizon doesn’t use the normal game renderer… You do give up shaders for it…
Sora shaders work fairly well with distant horizons. It doesn’t look as good as no shaders but still amazing
This indeed does look cool. I have a few questions: how are your fps? Are you using sodium?
Sodium and some mods from the Simply Optimized modpack, you can see my GPU and stuff in the screenshot. my actual render distance is 4 and then adding the 128 chunks from the mod, it gets me around 140-160 fps
That’s so nice, sodium really does wonders for me, I have an older graphics card than yours and I can still have smooth 100fps with good render distance. I will probably try Distant horizons at this point and hopefully it will stay above the 60 fps which for me is more than enough.
Did you change any settings in the mod? The LODs always look like crap when I try it.
I had the quality preset on medium, at least in this dev build.
I also made changes to the Noise Step which might be a bit too aggressive but work for me:
in older versions the settings order is different, but in my one, these settings can be found at: Advanced Options -> Graphics -> Noise Texture
Off topic, what’s the F3 mod? It looks so much better than the default. BetterF3, when you first install it there’s a lot of modules on the screen but you can customise what bits you see in the mod config (usually editable in Mod Menu)
Thank you
It’s a pretty cool mod and I like it.
It would be awesome to use this, but my phone would probably explode.
I’m just waiting for the 1.20.1 build. Happy to hear that they’re working on it.
those 24 cores be doing great there
I really like this mod. I need to try it again since I got a better pc. It will look amazing when the first few chunks can be displayed with even better quality.
bye bye cpu
It’s distant horizons, I can get that on my potato.
When you set render to 128 chunks, does it render all 128 chunks or only those chunks which have already been rendered beforehand?
It’s a setting you can change. The default is a “quick generation” mode which looks as similar to the world seed/settings as it can without taking the performance hit of actually generating it. But it can either be changed to generate the chunks genuinely out to the render distance (which would be lag hell for 128 chunks) or to only render already generated chunks (like you suspect). Only the latter works in multiplayer though.
Only the latter works in multiplayer though.
Thanks. I was wondering if I started using it, would it lag everyone else or not. This is better.
I’ve wondered, is distant horizons or nvidium better?
I couldn’t give you an answer to that. my graphics card is too old to be able to run nvidium