the best is all the suv commercials where some chad just decides he’s gonna make his own path through the {desert, mountains, forest, praire} and veers off the road as if the vehicle wouldn’t immediately be totaled and he gets arrested or shot for trespassing
9001% testosterone man that definitely sired corpse husband talking over an SUV or pickup or semi (penis size is correlated to how deep your voice is and how much you can HAUL) going through treacherous or rugged terrain or seemingly impossible feats like catching a front wheel of a plane in the bed of the truck. Or a sedan or ‘luxury’ car speeding through one of Chynas many ghost cities(I guess that, or it’s some dystopia, or they’ve got a really robust subway system, like a cross between the car tunnels in irobot and midgar from ff7, but not completely dumb because there’s tracks instead of of 30 lanes with cars going around 500mph )
the best is all the suv commercials where some chad just decides he’s gonna make his own path through the {desert, mountains, forest, praire} and veers off the road as if the vehicle wouldn’t immediately be totaled and he gets arrested or shot for trespassing
9001% testosterone man that definitely sired corpse husband talking over an SUV or pickup or semi (penis size is correlated to how deep your voice is and how much you can HAUL) going through treacherous or rugged terrain or seemingly impossible feats like catching a front wheel of a plane in the bed of the truck. Or a sedan or ‘luxury’ car speeding through one of Chynas many ghost cities(I guess that, or it’s some dystopia, or they’ve got a really robust subway system, like a cross between the car tunnels in irobot and midgar from ff7, but not completely dumb because there’s tracks instead of of 30 lanes with cars going around 500mph