I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier but here I made a Spotify collaboration list! The only rules are 1) don’t remove somebody else’s song and 2) don’t spam-add songs.
Really didn’t know how to word this. All I know is that I’ve been completely in love with The Shelter of My Love by Astropol. I’m looking for some more alternative, dream-like, cinematic, emotionally intense songs. Songs that make you have flashbacks of things you never experienced. Songs that make you lose yourself before the voice of the artist jolts you awake. Songs that sound like how perpetual fogs and inevitable spirals feel.
I’m not sure what to call this specific genre, either. What the hell is shoegaze, anyway?
You might dig No Joy, Lush, Cindy Lee, the Cocteau Twins and My Bloody Valentine
What the hell is shoegaze, anyway?
Ask four different people and you’ll get four different answers, but the term first started to get thrown at bands as an insult around the late 80s in the UK because guitarists in certain alternative bands would be using so many different effects during their performances they’d spend the whole show staring at their pedalboards (I think a review of a My Bloody Valentine show in particular is where the term got coined)
100% shoegaze fits the bill perfectly for OPs request. no slowdive tho?
there’s some great, highly independent shoegaze on yt
also, some Dandy Warhols & Brian Jonestown probably fits the bill, eg. this track
Jenny Lewis — “Head Underwater”
Cordelia’s Dad — “Little Speckled Egg”
Cracker — “Guarded by Monkeys”
Freelance Whales — “Generator ^ First Floor”
Minus the Bear — “Let’s Play Guitar in a Five Guitar Band”
You’re gonna share the playlist when you’re done, right?
This one might be too mainstream, but:
Iron & Wine — “Woman King”
Good thing you mentioned a playlist. I don’t use Spotify anymore but I still have an account there so I will likely curate a playlist to share.
Sounds great! I’ll keep adding tracks as I think of them, BTW.
“Reckoner” - Radiohead
“Walking in My Shoes” - Depeche Mode
“Bloodbuzz Ohio” - The National
“Black” - Pearl Jam
“Glory Box” - Portishead
“Unfinished Sympathy” - Massive AttackPortishead - Glorybox
I’m not sure what, but that song conjured untold emotions in me for the entirety of 2003While it’s certainly energetic, I think the type of energy is vastly different from what OP is after
Your description made me think of The Golden Palominos.
Hey thanks for the suggestion! I really dig that song!
I think TTRRUUCES - Sensations of Cool (youtube links incoming) hits this prompt pretty perfectly, especially the dream-like quality of the video
Same for Jon Worthy - Please Tell Me
A few more that are close but not quite perfect:
Hiatus Kaiyote - And We Go Gentle
I’m looking forward to listening to the other suggestions, I’ve listened to a few of them and so far they’ve been great!
The drums - portamento
Wild Nothing - nocturne
Don’t mistake my silence for negligence, y’all; keep the recommendations going and I’ll give them all a listen eventually.
Hmm, I have no idea what to call the genre but I like that song you shared! Maybe California Nights or Where Were You When the Sky Opened Up? I’ll try to think some more, those are just off the top of my head
I hadn’t heard that Best Coast song. I love When I’m With You by them, but this one has a very different vibe. Good stuff!