For example, for me, I would *love* a new Populous game based from what was done in Populous 3. That, and a new SimCity based on SimCity 4!
I can’t believe no one has said the most obvious:
Legacy of Kain
Titanfall. Proper Titanfall.
A lot of people will disagree, but I loved Star Fox Adventures. It was easily my favorite Star Fox game.
3D Rayman games, the only one I played was Rayman 2, so that’s all I can go off of.
BIONICLE, the game to the movie was a bit janky, but so much fun!
Pokémon Rumble: I remember only liking the first one (didn’t play the second), and really disliking Rumble U. There’s a mobile game now apparently, but…no thanks.
A very obscure one: Onslaught, from the Wii Shop. A first person sci-fi shooter with Wii motion controls, playing on an alien planet with giant bug creatures. Quite reminiscent of Helldivers or Starship Troopers.
Asura’s Wrath: I think a remake would be nice, not sure if there’s much space for a sequel, the ending fit quite nicely.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: I’m gonna count this as its own franchise separate from the other Xenoblade games, and a remaster, remake or sequel would be amazing.
Bonus: Borderlands 2 had a good setup for a sequel, an incredible villain and such great characters. I’d love to see where they’d take their stories, like Maya & Krieg. Should be about time for Borderlands 3, I’m sure it’d be great! (FUCK WHYYYYY)
Haven’t played it, but wasn’t there a Borderlands 3 a few years ago?
Yeah, that last one was sarcastic. They kinda fucked up the story, writing and characters. Villains were ass, writing for most beloved characters was basically a character assassination, Maya & Krieg never even met again, just everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.
Gameplay was great, but I hated everything else so much that I uninstalled after 5h (with close to a thousand hours spread across the rest of the franchise).
Ah, shame. Is it still worth a shot for someone who’s coming in fresh? I haven’t played any of the games in this series but to enjoy a good shooter.
There’s so much content, even if you don’t play BL3, you’ll have a lot of fun! BL1 and BL2 have a GOTY edition with all the DLC (from memory, between 4 and 6 story DLCs per game, BL2 also has 2 additional characters and a sort of max lvl / extra difficulty mode), and are super cheap at this point. Do wait for a sale if possible, BL1 GOTY Enhanced is frequently 67% off ($10), and BL2 GOTY 80% off ($9)
There’s also The Pre-Sequel, which came out after BL2 and plays between BL1 and BL2. Gameplay is like BL2 with some additions, but it’s not as good as BL2. Still worth playing imo, but the community is split on it. If you play it, even though it plays between BL1 and BL2, it’s intended to be played after BL2.
A lot of the more interesting things regarding character builds & weapons happens in NG+ and NG++, you can spend ages just replaying it and farming bosses & chests in the endgame, and the coop is also really nice (but not at all required). I definitely recommend starting with the first one, and if you do, I think Lilith has by far the most interesting gameplay. In BL2, I think almost every character has fun gameplay, just Axton feels a bit boring to me personally.
Watch Dogs. It’s without a doubt my favorite video game franchise of all time and it saddens me that there hasn’t been any sign of a new game being in development at all. I’d love if the game went back to its roots by following the first entries formula, but that’s just a minor preference and at this point I’d take anything.
Black and White. I miss good god games. Most these days seem like they are just casual, mobile style games.
Splinter Cell. Or a similar tactical stealth shooter. Except made by anyone other than Ubishit
Splinter Cell, specifically picking up where Chaos Theory left off. Use it to showcase Unreal Engine 5 lighting and make it a proper, spectacular stealth game again with Spies v. Mercs multiplayer.
Far Cry. Both FC3 and FC4 were great, and then they never made another one after that.
wdym there is FC5 and FC6
None. We need less rehashes and more fresh IPs.
Post like this slow progress by letting devs think we want the same shit over and over.
I’ve got probably 9,000 hours on different variants of the Civ franchise over my lifetime, assuming I played Civ V and VI the same amount as the other four. I’ve got 1,600 hours in Factorio and probably the same amount in KSP.
My point being that some of us kinda do want the same shit over and over.
And people like you are slowing the progress of gaming.
If you want to play a game you used to like, just play it.