I noticed something stupid while on the interstate yesterday and passing or passed by multiple Teslas: they don’t tell you which model they are on the back. If you see a Tesla you like and want to know which Tesla it is, I guess you’ll have to figure that out for yourself.
They only have 4 models (not counting the cyber dump truck) that are pretty easy to tell apart. Small sedan or big sedan, small SUV or big SUV. Then basically do they have a dual motor badge and is that badge underlined (or does it have a plaid logo on the back). There you go. Almost literally all the permutations of Teslas.
Do they need to market anymore than their name though? Marketing is getting you interested in the product. You say “oh that’s a nice Tesla” you go to the site and look from there most likely based on your budget.
(I am by no means a Tesla fan, frankly their build quality sucks) but I really don’t think that you need badges of every type plastered on a car.
I noticed something stupid while on the interstate yesterday and passing or passed by multiple Teslas: they don’t tell you which model they are on the back. If you see a Tesla you like and want to know which Tesla it is, I guess you’ll have to figure that out for yourself.
They only have 4 models (not counting the cyber dump truck) that are pretty easy to tell apart. Small sedan or big sedan, small SUV or big SUV. Then basically do they have a dual motor badge and is that badge underlined (or does it have a plaid logo on the back). There you go. Almost literally all the permutations of Teslas.
Ok, but letting people know what model of car they are looking at is just basic marketing.
Do they need to market anymore than their name though? Marketing is getting you interested in the product. You say “oh that’s a nice Tesla” you go to the site and look from there most likely based on your budget.
(I am by no means a Tesla fan, frankly their build quality sucks) but I really don’t think that you need badges of every type plastered on a car.