I love horror but apparently I don’t vibe with a lot of recommendations I find online.
I’d seen so much hype about Event Horizon and I absolutely hated it and didn’t find it scary. I just watched Late Night With the Devil and whole it was definitely enjoyable, it wasn’t the least but frightening. I also just watched Let the Right One In and really didn’t like it. It also was not a horror movie in my opinion.
I will say one of my favorites is Sinister or the first Conjuring. Sinister for the stomach twisting dread and suspence throughout and Conjuring for the same.
So, what movies do you find to be the scariest?
It Follows. It isn’t the best horror movie, but the premise is one of the scariest for me. An entity that is inevitable, and you cannot get away from no matter what you do or where you go. It’s always there, walking towards you.
I agree that the idea of it is terrifying. I just feel like they executed it poorly in the movie. They somehow made it a little hokey.
Thank you! It felt like they could have done so much with it but turned it into the usual monster movie. The first appearances where “it” could be anyone where the best.
Is the entity an immortal snail?
Horror movies don’t scare me, but Hereditary was the one movie that made me come close to experiencing genuine fear from watching a movie.
Tell me about it. Horror movies are such a snoozefest but Hereditary gave me the creeps.
The Ring remake (not the original Japanese one) takes the cake for me. I couldn’t sleep the first nor second nights I saw it.
can recommend Coherence
I’m pretty dead inside so not a ton can get through in the horror department, but I always thought 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later did a fantastic job making zombies a bit scary again.
There is a particular type of emotion which “The VVitch” and “Hereditary” get absolutely perfect. It’s actually not really my favorite type of movie; it’s not particular scary, per se, but it is just some stuff that is really awful that you don’t want to see. If you don’t want that, they may not be good, but if you vibe with that particular emotion they are hard to beat for it.
The HBO “Chernobyl” miniseries is absolutely straight-up horror. It has pretty much all the elements of a perfect horror movie, except it’s (with tiny exceptions and artistic licenses) all 100% true.
“As Above, So Below” is fairly good “normal” horror of a fairly unspicy flavor.
That’s honestly all I can think of that really does it well. Horror books in my experience are far better. “The Shining,” “Pet Semetary,” “Night Shift,” and “Skeleton Crew.” Also lots and lots of HP Lovecraft; the “Dunwich Horror” collection is wonderful.
Hope this helps.
There has got to be a term for the particular type of … restlessness(?) that movies like VVitch and Hereditary inflict. It’s not exactly horror, but a distinct discomfort that I can’t quite name. Talk To Me also got close for me but not as far as Hereditary.
I would say the term “dread” comes close for me.
This is why I liked Longlegs so much. Not scary, but damn that movie made me uncomfortable.
I watch a lot of horror but that managed to unsettle more than anything in a while.
All films from Robert Eggers with his debut “The VVitch” and Ari Aster with its debut “Hereditary” are highly recommended although not all films are 100 % horror movies.
Oooh yes. I’m with you and the other commenter that that particular feeling of dread is really really great. Hereditary, Midsommar, and VVitch definitely all fit that bill. I’ve heard the same for Lights Out, so I’m going to give that a go too.
Also Chernobyl is so so good. I’ve seen it a few times now and oof.
Rec (2007) and Climax (2018) are some of my personal favourites that have scared me to some degree
If you like the supernatural/demon ones, check out The Autopsy of Jane Doe. I loved it, the tension is absolutely perfect and a fantastic cast to boot.
Cloverfield - not sure if thats horror
As a kid i loved the early Jason and Freddy movies.
Not sure how great it holds up today since it was a while ago I watched it last, but The Thing is for me still one of the best ones.
Not a horror film per se, but definitely leaning that way:
The original ‘ALIEN’.
The building of tension throughout the entire movie is brilliant.
Alien is definitely a horror film. In fact it was originally marketed as such
The latest one that got to me, was “When evil lurks” (Cuando acecha la maldad). A pretty fast-paced horror from Argentina.
This movie was so good until the end. I was like “oh, ok.”.
so many recommendations already said and im sure many more to go.
Three that i didnt see mentioned that i enjoyed were:
Martyrs- French Version The Visit Session 9
Scenes from martyrs have been memed out of context so i think its fairly familiar. i hadnt watched it until recently and i think one time through was good enough for me. i’m not into a lot of torture style suspense.
The visit was particularly scary for me because If you’ve ever been in that scenario of being dropped off with familial strangers those initial reservations you have running through your head do make you uncomfortable and blossom into horrific thoughts. in the case of this movie a bit more so ;)
Session 9 i watched during the golden age of netflix. it isnt amazing but it was enjoyable.
I agree with Martyrs. Will never watch this again. Fuck this.
Perfect Blue
I absolutely love and hate how they mess with your perception of not only time but what’s real because I could see myself in situations where I couldn’t tell you how long has passed and/or having to question if what I’m seeing is real or not.
Thanks for reminding me about this movie. Been meaning to watch this for a while.
Annihilation is great cosmic horror.