Basically title. Do you know of any companies that use desktop Linux?

I can think of two in my area in Brisbane - Adfinis and Red Hat. Both have a pretty small presence here from what I last heard (several employees each).

My employer allows the Linux team to use Linux but it’s discouraged and our lives are made somewhat difficult.

    7 months ago

    how the IT team tries to justify being locked into Microsoft, and then telling me I could potentially become a point of vulnerability

    Because they can manage and control all the windows PCs , pushing updates automatically, restricting what users can do locally and on the network, they have monitoring tools and whatever antivirus and antimalware tools they have, and are able to easily manage and deploy/remove software and associated group licensing and so on and so forth.

    Meanwhile you’re a single user of unknown (to them) capabilities that they now have to trust with the rest of their system, basically.

    The first rule of corporate IT is, “control what’s on your network”. Your PC is their concern still, but they have no effective control over it. That’s why they’re being a bit of a pain in the ass about it.