The former president and his backers aim to strengthen the power of the White House and limit the independence of federal agencies.

    2 years ago

    I honestly don’t know how we get out of this situation without aggressively litigating politicians that have committed crimes.

    I think this would actually make the situation worse. Donald Trump has successfully made a mockery of our entire justice system, by convincing half the people in this country that the cases against him are a big conspiracy theory/witch hunt while also trumping up (no pun intended) charges against his own political enemies and getting the GOP to support him.

    Now take the fact that the overwhelming majority of people accused of crimes in government right now are Republican – Trump and all of his lackeys, the multiple judges on the SC accepting bribes, George Santos being George Santos (or whoever the fuck he is), Gaetz sleeping with underage girls, etc. etc. etc., and there’s absolutely no way you’d be able to aggressively litigate politicians without adding metric fucktons of fuel to the belief of those on the right that such charges are little more than political witch hunts.

    And while the obvious reply to that is “Their opinions don’t matter, we should be pursuing justice”, you are correct. But you’d also be ignoring the reality that there are a whole hell of a lot of them and they are willing to turn violent if they truly believe that an ongoing series of charges against GOP government officials are politically motivated.

      2 years ago

      Then what are our options? Just lay there and take it? Because I swear if I have to keep eating fucking dirt just to get by while these pigs treat our society like their personal body pillow I’m going to lose my god damn mind. If such blatant disrespect for our society and judicial system continue stability will begin to collapse.

        2 years ago

        I have no idea. That’s well above my pay grade. All I’m saying is that Trump has spent the past 7 years telling every inbred redneck in 'Murica that the radical left was coming to take their guns and their rights and their religion and the entire system is rigged and they want to censor and jail you for your free speech. Now follow that up with seeing their almighty god-emperor doing a perp walk in an orange jump suit followed by an endless parade of his cronies. If you think that’s gonna end peacefully, I’ve got some bad news for you…

          2 years ago

          I don’t. I’m thinking this is one of those times where the background noise has escalated to a bloody scream and the time for good endings has passed. The thing is, in a truly civilized society, you don’t end up here. We are much closer to our primal states than we all want to admit and the emperors in charge are just now being truly seen in their new clothes. I don’t know the question, but I do know the answer that will follow.