toss up between “I got big hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun.”, and “I worsked on the Paris Accord, with Deng Xiaoping, and the others!”
Look, fat
Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids
If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black
We’re gonna cure cancer
We finally beat Medicare
Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids
This is the one that gets me every time
Keep the record player on while they sleep!
“At least 3”
This one’s my favorite. Any excerpt from the Corn Pop story would qualify as a close second.
Stole my answer
The made up anecdote of him seeing two gay men kissing when Biden was a kid and his dad telling him “love is love” is very good too
Look fat, I invented allyship, alright?
America is a nation that can be defined in a single word: I was in the foot— foot— excuse me, in the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping
Here’s how I remember hearing it: “I’ve long said, America is a nation that can be defined in a single word… … futeutuetpoetpeutefutedpbbth – in the foothills of the Himalayas with Jinping…”
I agree with Joe, Americans should resolve their differences at the battle box.
can’t forget the stories about the uncle he falsely claims was eaten by cannibals in Papua New Guinea
For some reason I had thought this was RFK. More on-brand.
“Joe Biden is a rabid dog, he should be beaten to death with a stick”
deleted by creator
“If you like what you see, help me out; if not, you can vote for the other Biden.”
It’s accidentally a very good comment on US democracy
Vote for Hunter instead.
God, could my dad drive a car
That’s a real quote? Jesus I thought hexbear made that up
Wild, right?
“stand up” (to person in wheelchair)
”You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier” is a good one, because it’s clearly something his mushy brain came up, even though he claimed it’s from a John Wayne movie
”Four more years. Pause.” is an actual joke from Naked Gun.
”Raprock Obama”
his last honest statement “nothing will fundamentally change”
How has no one posted “I’m Irish” to the BBC asking for a comment? It’s my favorite hands down
Vote for the other Biden
America can be summed up in a single word: asfljsdhflkjasd.
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