(The one on the left is the phob)
PhobGCC is an opensource PCB made to give Gamecube controllers a more consistent experience and a longer life. Excluding shipping and practice, it took me three days as my very first soldering experience. It was fun!
Link for documentation here https://github.com/PhobGCC/PhobGCC-doc
That’s the price for boards with assembly? Or just straight pcbs?
The PCBs. With pre made magnet mounts, tactile z buttons, an already available T3 Gamecube controller, and excluding all the soldering equipment (i already had most of it) and the optional stuff, it costed me about $257, $239 . However that price is not completely right because I split the bill between me and two friends, so it costed more like $85 each. If you don’t have friends interested and you don’t want to sell it might be better to buy a single one on Etsy.